Sunday, January 17, 2021

16th Jan 2021 (一人之境 – Terence Lam (林家謙))

Belated happy new year. It had been a long long time since I have made a post. Hope you all are doing well. Year 2020 was a year full of incidents. While many would think of it being a bad year, to me, it was a mixed bag. The bad: covid19, world went into a limbo; one of my cousins committed suicide due to mental sickness; Hong Kong starting to becoming a stranger place then I ever thought it would. The good: finally successful to lose weight (I have been called a fat boy ever since the start of time lol), now even got people say that I am too thin hahahaha; started a relationship, which I will end tomorrow. While this sounds like a sad thing, but I am actually quite positive about it, because through this, I understand myself much more, I now think I have a better idea of what I am looking for. And I also had a job interview, not sure whether I actually a good fit for the job or whether the work culture would suit me, but at least it is a job that I actually got a second interview hahaha, haven’t have one of these for a long time, to a point that I start to think I would be stuck in my current role until I retired lol. So how was your year 2020?


Let’s get to the main part of this post :) Frankly, I haven’t been posting for a long time because I kind of lose the momentum. I felt kind of tired making myself to write a post everyday. Initially it was really because of change of location and life got busy. Later I wanted to take a break. By the time I think I should write something here, I have already stop listening to new Canton pop (due to the change of my life style, I no longer listen to radio shows as often as I used to), so I no longer resonate or aware of the new canton pop. Though recently, I heard a song from Terence Lam, and it really catches my ear. It is not yet a song that I have listen a lot of, but I think I will soon start to loop it hahahah. So the song that I would like to translate here today is “一人之境”. The official English translation of the title is “Solitude”. (Haven’t wrote one of this for so long that I actually need to look back at one of my old post to see my old style on how to write one of this post hahahaha)


The lyrics of the song is about finding happiness in solitude. The lyrics are all describing the feeling of the protagonist. “Gazing in the party, there are many friends with a smiley face. Moving with the rhythm, there are loneliness within the joy. Looking back after dismissed, there was a bit of solitary, but free. Wanted to untangled the net, and engross the sunny weather. Walking on the mud, while walking, also counting the foot print, surprisingly found that some got cracks. Heard the heart, learnt to repair and rebuild, stop confining the voice. So being solo actually can have fun, with more people it isn’t happier. Silently watching the stars, heard the echo from the moon, such that quietly visited this solitude. So it is happy, gazing at all these mountains alone. Drink a whole can of soft drank, let out a sigh, no need to explain the happiness, no, witnessing this alone. The lamp along the road are touching me, the light gave out hope. The crossing between the cloud and the sun rise, like I have found the solution. So being solo actually can have fun, with more people it isn’t happier. Silently watching the stars, looking forward for the sun ray to take the lead, again, quietly visited this natural scenery state. So I am already very happy, watching the ever changing world alone. Drink a whole can of soft drank, let out of some bubbles, listened to that resonances, it is a type of psychological respond.” Hope you will enjoy this song as much as I do :)


一人之境 Terence Lam (林家謙)

Sunday, September 3, 2017

3rd Sep 2017 (我錯 – J.Arie (雷琛瑜))

The song for today is “我錯” by J.Arie. This is a reader request :) It is a theme song for a movie. The direct English translation of the title is “My fault”.

The lyrics of the song are about love. The protagonist need to leave her other half, but she is worry that he couldn’t let her go. She said: “Breathing will have an end, why it is so hard to accept. Assume that after getting rid of me, everything will be as good as before. Wanted to be together for ever, and lover never be apart. Together for live, knowing that it will be boring, but it will not be enough. If I leave now, please don’t hold onto your sadness. Really, you can change to another partner at night. The bad luck bumped into me, and destroyed me. No sadness, but I worry about you. Don’t know whether time could heal you. You never tasted the feeling of lost, the feeling of losing. Without me, who you can rely on. Scare to think of me, as the smile will feel like it lacks something. If I leave now, the stupidest thing is to frown. Turned around and to see the other opponent. The bad luck bumped into me, and destroyed me. No sadness, but I worry about you. Really, the happy me, already gained too much. You never blamed anyone, you said that you are lucky to have me this lifetime, so stupid. Sadness and happiness are all surrounded me. Protected me until today is enough. Loved me too much, loved me too much, making me not wasted my life. Loved me too much, loved me too much, obsessed with me. Know me too well, known me too well, if you aren’t happy, my fault.” Hope you will like the song.,

我錯 – J.Arie (雷琛瑜)

Monday, August 21, 2017

20th Aug 2017 (有淚多好 – Phil Lam)

The song for today is “有淚多好” by Phil Lam. I heard this song on TV today and I really like it. The direct English translation of the title is “So good to have tears”

The lyrics of the song are about how we should appreciate things, having tears means that we have feelings, we didn’t just let things passes by like it was unrelated to us. The protagonist said: “That day when I graduated, I through the hat to the sunny sky. I cried, as I could never let go of that happiness on my face. I was so fresh, didn’t know the danger, so always been the target to made fun of. Sad, looking through the mirror, with tears I gain my spirit, unlimitedly. Couldn’t forget the feeling of departing with my best friend. Unnoticedly, parents aged, and I felt hurt. So, my eyes need to have tears to come out. Remind me that the feelings in my life are all ok, haven’t lost them yet. Looking up and see the light, so I know I need to treasure my tears, accompanying me through the beauty, ugly, sadness, happiness, coldness, warm, business and the downfall. Being numb is very scary. Thanks to have tears accompanying me, searching for the proof of growing up. The moment when I break up, the sky turned dark, so sad. Crying without words, hard to understand how to forget the person that I love. Once we entered, then we will have the upper hand, easily to get closer. Ended, you and I are both exhausted, a team of famous person. We will hold up the winning cup, and hug. So, my eyes need to have tears to come out. Remind me that the feelings in my life are all ok, haven’t lost them yet. Looking up and see the light, so I know I need to treasure my tears, accompanying me through the beauty, ugly, sadness, happiness, coldness, warm, business and the downfall. If I have to keep living, unavoidably I have to love and hate someone. Emotions shaken everything, the ground break, the sky opened by the thunder. The wind blow, the flower dropped from the tree, the sea splashed water. A cup dried, it contained my tears. Still got heart, still got life, then quickly catch up. So, my eyes need to have tears to come out. Remind me that life is full of ups and downs, need to able to accept it, to let it go. Looking up and see the light, so I know I need to treasure my tears, accompanying me through the beauty, ugly, sadness, happiness, coldness, warm, business and the downfall. The mist that existed, thanks for the company of tears, become the proof of memories.” Hope you will like the song.

Related posts:

有淚多好 – Phil Lam

Sunday, August 13, 2017

13th Aug 2017 (愛近在眼前 – Stephanie Ho)

The song for this week is a reader request. The song is “愛近在眼前” by Stephanie Ho, it is the ending theme song for a TVB drama. The direct English translation of the title is “Love is close to the eyes”.

The lyrics of the song are about the protagonist looking for love. She said: “In the dark, accompanying to my side, no matter how scary the reality is. Nothing to worry, even it is all dark. Very brave, even though still crazy. Sour, bitter and hot are all sweet. Take that as a memento, and uses it as a shield. Need to be a bit more self-confident, a bit more tough, get ready for the fight. Praise and applause, I will still be willing to be behind your back. So when day time passes and the stars covered the sky, then I could see the light. There are some unforgettable wounds, I wish that I could have your encouragement. With the time disappearing and it is the moment to leave, then you realised that you couldn’t let go. Love can use to fix everything, the simplest thing still remains its beauty. In the light, the only spot, even though it is right in front of you. Twinkling, sadly never noticed. Very brave, even though still crazy, I am in front of you now. Sympathy or nostalgia, differ only by a thin line. Ring, mist and smoke; clouds, covering the eyesight. I wish that every day we could be together discover many different colours. So when day time passes and the stars covered the sky, then I could see the light. There are some unforgettable wounds, I wish that I could have your encouragement. With the time disappearing, it is the moment to leave, then you realised that you couldn’t let go. Love can use to fix everything, the simplest thing still remains its beauty. No need to bring up the sadness, the voice of the heart is slowly being covered. Never thought to leave behind a legend, only wish to see the bottom of your heart. So when the day time passes and the stars covered the sky, then I could see the light. There are some unforgettable wounds, I wish that I could have your encouragement. With the time disappearing, it was once closed, but now reopened. Small but valuable, I can be average but at the same time beautiful.” Hope you will like the song.

Related posts:

愛近在眼前 – Stephanie Ho

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

2nd Aug 2017 (失魂記 – Hacken Lee)

Hello everyone, blog alive again lol Thanks for all of your emails, I didn’t have the chance to reply you all one by one. I am fine and in one-piece :) I actually move houses around 1-2 months ago as the places that I was living in was always a temporary place and it was quite expensive. Not like my current place is cheap (as properties pricing in Hong Kong, but buying and renting, are crazy high….), but at least a fair amount cheaper than the place before. So ever since I moved, I got the bad habit of going onto Taobao everyday to buy my furniture, which consumed pretty much all my free time lol. Things are so cheap there that even when I have to pay for shipping to Hong Kong from China, it is still significantly cheaper than if I get it from a store in Hong Kong. While my house is still like a prehistoric cave with things everything (as I am still trying to buy stuff to store them probably) at lease now I can call this place home. I probably wouldn’t be able to update this blog as often as I used to, but I will try to make at least one post per week :)

Anyway, back to the tradition, the song post :) The song for today is “失魂記” by Hacken Lee. I would translate the title as “Tales of losing the spirit”. It is a very touching song. The lyrics are about dementia. But it is talking about dementia from the perspective of the caretaker. It talks about the different life events that they been through together and how now the patient seems to have forgotten all about it, even her partner, the caretaker, yet he is still on her side fulfilling his promise. The caretaker said: “You remembered? The witness of the happy marriage. The moment when we ate white bread when we got sick. The time when you accompanied me even when I was poor and down. Today, you remembered? The most stressful moment, the micro movement of our kids under ultrasound. The feeling of being a mother? Remembered the wrong face; remembered the wrong address. Forgot how to call me. Which of those feeling would you still clearly remembered? Forgot to take medicine, forgot about your age, you are like a kid going to classes. Even if you forgot about me for the rest of your life, I will still be with you. So please don’t worry about bothering me. You remembered? The moment when you were self-willed. It was a pointless incident that we argued. It was nonsense, but it was touching. Didn’t know, didn’t know that you already don’t know. Happy, argued, loved, picky, confused, I will accompany you to remember, remember, remember. Blurrily remember, even though there is only me.  Remembered the wrong face; remembered the wrong address. Forgot how to call me. Which of those feeling would you still clearly remembered? Forgot to take medicine, forgot about your age, you are like a kid skipping classes. That moment remembered me, then the next forgot about me, still ok. You remembered? The happiness of our golden wedding anniversary. Time flies. Even if you couldn’t remember, they were real. Wish that I will remember you, and accompany you to the haven.” Hope you will like this song.

Related posts:
3rd Feb 2017 (秋止符 – Hacken Lee)

失魂記 – Hacken Lee

Friday, April 14, 2017

14th Apr 2017 (錯的情・錯的人 – ShowOff)

I am back :D My life have been taken over by work, with the holiday, hopefully I could write a few more blog posts. As mentioned from the last post around a month ago, I will talk about “鍾乜乜” and ShowOff. I have actually heard of ShowOff last year, there were formed as a concept music group. They consist of a lot of members, there are no fixed main vocal. From memory, they have to battel to become the key vocalist for each song. 鍾乜乜 was the main vocalist of their first song. His stage name “鍾乜乜” literally means “Chung something something”. From memory, he chose this stage name because he believes that most people wouldn’t remember his name, so may as well just called himself “Chung something something”. The song for today is “錯的情・錯的人” translated as “Wrong relationshipWrong person”.

The lyrics of the song are about love. It said: “After this time, I don’t want it to end suddenly. Please don’t say that the heart hasn’t changed a single bit. Thanks for being so cruel, so that I would not uphold. My heart is dead, perhaps you had predicted? At least this time it gave me a chance to release my emotion, to clear out those incidents of the mortal world. The dream of us to spent the rest of our life together, after living for over half my life, the dream never get anywhere. How to say this, it will never have any chance. Said a reason, say it with sincere. If I know that no matter how many times I try, how many times I failed, all I would get is sadness. Said a reason, so even if I missed out I would still be excited. So I am still human. After this time, I don’t want it to end suddenly. Clear out those incidents of the mortal world. Not wasting the chance that we had before, change the position so that I can let you win. Heart was long dead, why still be in love. No need to give a reason, no need to pretend to be truthful. If you know that no matter how many times we tried, I would still not be able to make you to believe in fate. No need to say a reason, facing your back I shake. No need to wait for the wrong person. Deeply angered, in exchange for love. Ended without hope; only wished that ever of my relationship could be like that relay. All fallen into the red sea. Love, so many feeling (more reasons, more cruel. Using my life to experience, all the sadness and anger, to understand that this is call fate. No need for a reason, getting rid of this addiction. The wrong relationship, couldn’t catch; the wrong person, wait for a life.” Hope you will like the song as much as I do.

Related posts:

錯的情・錯的人 – ShowOff

Sunday, March 12, 2017

12th Mar 2017 (哪裡只得我共你 – Dear Jane)

Last night when I was walking along Tsim Sha Tsui, I stumble across a band playing on the street, they call themselves “Red house” (you can find more info of them here: I really liked their performant. I also found out that their vocalist also performed under the name “鍾乜乜” for another music group call “showoff”. (I may talk about his song another day). One of the cover song that I really liked las night was “哪裡只得我共你” by Dear Jane. The direct English translation of the title is “There is only you and me” (officially, the English title is “You & me”).

The lyrics of the song are about love. The protagonist said: “Kissed, then I can confirmed that me and you could live together and die together. While on holiday, visiting tourist attraction, me and you can be together from now on. Around us, so many people wear mask. Too many wounds in our heart, couldn’t wait for elopement. I need to save you, escaping the craziness of the human world. Using my own hand to get you away. No fighting, only attached together. Never put my head down, even we face a million wounds. Standing behind me, I need to make sure that you will have nothing to worry about. Not listening to gossips, if you are good, then that’s enough. Keep loving, then I am glade that me and you can be happy together and cry together. With the outside world, not isolated, me and you could stop breathing. Around us are so many judgements, interfering our sensitive life, don’t want to be too awake. I need to save you, escaping the craziness of the human world. Using my own hand to get you away. No fighting, only attached together. Never put my head down, even we face a million wounds. Standing behind me, I need to make sure that you will have nothing to worry about. Not listening to gossips, if you are good, then that’s enough. At that place, no one will be disliked, there no one will be bullied. Romantic for life, there will only be me and you, better than the best sunrise. I need to save you, escaping the craziness of the human world. Using my own hand to get you away. No fighting, only attached together. Never put my head down, even we face a million wounds. Standing behind me, I need to make sure that you will have nothing to worry about. Not listening to gossips, if you are good, then that’s enough. Living, just like this love to death, it would be enough.” Hope you will like this song.

哪裡只得我共你 – Dear Jane