Monday, June 17, 2013

17th Jun 2013 (細水長流 – Ivana Wong/Aling Choi/Lo Mejor De Tu Vida – Julio Iglesias)

The song that I chose for today is “細水長流” by Ivana Wong. This song was originally sung by Aling Choi (who suicided last year due to depression). This song was a classic and many singer had covered it and Ivana’s version is the latest version. But note that even the original version by Aling Choi was a cover version of a Spanish song “Lo Mejor De Tu Vida” by Julio Iglesias. The title can be translated to English as “Steady” (a direct translation of the title is “small water flow for a long time”, it is a phrase in Chinese that usually describe a feeling which might not be very strong, but last for a long time.)

The lyrics of the song are about love. It starts off saying that “no matter why and what on its way, the water will flow. It will even cut through iron and rock. This is water from a river that travels through the mountain. It will keep flowing forward no matter what and it aims is to flow toward the sea. Until then it will not give up. The love in my hear flows like the water. It will always flow for you and toward you, in the past, present and even in the future. If your eyes are a deep sea, then you have already immersed me. I am grateful that we meet, just like river and the ocean. If one day we have to be separated, I will travel around and search for a way to flow toward you. But will you wait for me? You know every time I stare at you, it felt like a river looking for the ocean and your wave is telling me to submerge into you, so how could I resist. No matter whether it was sunny or rainly, it will keep flowing. The love in my heart is like a river, it will keep running toward you, in the past, present and in the future.”  Hope you will like the song. I have also linked to Aling Choi’s version and the original Spanish version.

細水長流 – Ivana Wong

細水長流 – Aling Choi

Lo Mejor De Tu Vida – Julio Iglesias

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for translating it. I really love this song.
