Saturday, May 4, 2013

4th May 2013 (我太強 – Jade Kwan)

The song that I chose for today is “我太強” by Jade Kwan. I used to like Jade’s songs, but these days her songs sound very ordinary. The direct English translation of the title is “I am too strong”.

The lyrics of the song are about the protagonist wanting to fall in love. She said she have got everything; she is smart, socialised and knowledgeable. She made enough money that she doesn’t need to worry about her future, but all she really wanted is to be in love with someone. She feels that people will look down at her when they found out about her real dream, but she doesn’t care as long as she can have love. She had this guy that she likes, but it seems that he doesn’t care much about her. She feels that she give so much but doesn’t get anything back in return. She get very down and saying that she might have everything in the world, but she just never be able to get him. Hope you will like the song.

我太強 – Jade Kwan

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