Saturday, May 18, 2013

18th May 2013 (給朋友 – Jacky Cheung)

The song that I chose for today is “給朋友” by Jacky Cheung. This is a song from 2004. I remember I used to listen to this song a lot when I travel to uni every day. It is a song dedicated to his friends who passed away. This song is so touching, I remember when the first time I listen to it I almost cry. The lyrics aren’t anything special, but from the way Jacky sing, you can deeply feel his emotion. The direct English translation of the title is “To friends”.

The song starts off with Jacky’s monologue: “It’s December 2003, and from friends I know that you had passed away. I felt hurt, and I didn’t know how to express this feeling on my face. After work that day, when I was driving home alone, I felt the weather is getting cooler. Ar, it’s already winter.” In to the lyrics, it takes us into the soul of a person that just passed away. The soul felt as if she just woke up from sleep, and she felt very relax. She wishes that people around her to stop crying and stop being sad. The wind starts to blow, she wishes her friends will take care of themselves. If her friends understand her, they would be able to overcome their sadness .She felt that she is now living in a timeless space, she can travel miles in a second and she feel that she can finally take some rest. Her soul is still flying, looking for a green land. She will stay for a while and then will start her new journey. She knows that her friends will wish her well even when she is far far away. Jacky monologue: “On the way home, I didn’t see any one nor car. I felt lonely. I turned on the radio and it is still reporting that you had passed away. I looked out to the sky and it is dark, very dark.” The lyrics repeat, telling us that the soul wanted to stay for a little while before starting her new journey. Although she love her live, but she got to move on. Jacky’s monologue: “The journey back home felt extra-long today. I have finally reached home now, what about you…”. Back to the lyrics, the soul wishes her friend to take care of themselves and hope that they will one day overcome their sadness. She felt that she can finally take some rest.

The lyrics are very long and I hope it will help you to better understand the story behind the song. I really like this song as I found it very touching. Hope you will enjoy it as well.

Related posts:
24th Feb 2017 (等你回來 – Jacky Cheung)
14th Nov 2016 (這麼近(那麼遠) – Jacky Cheung)
12th Dec 2015 (愛和承諾 - Jacky Cheung and Pricsilla Chan)
26th Nov 2015 (等你等到我心痛 – Jacky Cheung)
12th Oct 2015 (留住這時光 – Jacky Cheung)
25th Sep 2015 (情書 – Jacky Cheung)
14th Aug 2015 (真心的朋友 – Jacky Cheung)
29th May 2015 (輕撫妳的臉 – Jacky Cheung)
5th May 2015 (想哭 – Jacky Cheung)
13th Feb 2015 (藍雨 – Jacky Cheung/Rainy Blue – Hideaki Tokunaga (德永英明))
18th Jan 2015 (怎麼捨得你 – Jacky Cheung)
17th Jan 2015 (傷追人 – Leo Ku/Justin Lo/Jacky Cheung)
27th Dec 2014 (真情流露 – Jacky Cheung/旅姿六人衆 – Kuwata Keisuke (桑田佳祐))
25th Dec 2014 (Merry Christmas I Love You – Jacky Cheung/不思议で素敌なクリスマス – Hiroshi Sugita (杉田裕))
16th Nov 2014 (明日世界終結時 – Jacky Cheung)
9th Oct 2014 (分手總要在雨天 – Jacky Cheung/泣けない君へのラブソング – Maeda Nobuteru (前田亘輝))
8th Oct 2014 (不老的傳說 – Jacky Cheung)
23rd Aug 2014 (祗想一生跟你走 – Jacky Cheung)
21st Aug 2014 (日出時讓戀愛終結 – Jacky Cheung)
12th July 2014 (祇有情永在 – Jacky Cheung & Cally Kwong)
11th July 2014 (忘記你我做不到 – Jacky Cheung)
14th May 2014 (暗戀你 – Jacky Cheung/Sentimental Christmas – 浜田省吾)
25th Feb 2014 (種子 – Jacky Cheung and 符潤光)
2nd Feb 2014 (一千個傷心的理由 – Jacky Cheung)
31st Jan 2014 (祝福 – Jacky Cheung)
5th Dec 2013 (釋放自己 – Jacky Cheung)
3rd Dec 2013 (我等到花兒也謝了 – Jacky Cheung)
1st Dec 2013 (李香蘭 – Jacky Cheung/行かないて –  Koji Tamaki 玉置浩二)
7th Oct 2013 (如果.愛 – Jacky Cheung)
18th Aug 2013 (搖搖 – Jacky Cheung)
8th Aug 2013 (愛你痛到不知痛 – Jacky Cheung)
7th Aug 2013 (想和你去吹吹風 – Jack Cheung)
2nd Jul 2013 (壯志嬌陽 – Jacky Cheung/愛は勝つ - Kan)
5th Jun 3013 (無心戀 – Jacky Cheung)
17th Jan 2013 (冷靜 – Jacky Cheung)

給朋友 – Jacky Cheung

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful Cantopop classics online! Just some added background to this song, Jacky Cheung wrote this song to express his sorrow and sadness after the loss of his two closest friends in the Hong Kong entertainment scene, Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui. Notice how in the opening monologue that Jacky mentions a friend's passing in December 2003 - the song is specifically written after Anita's passing at the end of December 2003. I can still remember being so shocked and upset that these two legendary artists, with whom I grew up listening to, passed away! Anyway thanks for the song recommendation!
