Friday, May 3, 2013

3rd May 2013 (16 號愛人 – Joey Yung)

The song that I chose for today is “16 號愛人” by Joey Yung. The direct English translation of the title is “Lover number 16”.

The lyrics of the song are about the protagonist thought on her relationship with her boyfriend. It start off saying that she feels there is no point to keep their relationship going, why can’t she just decided who deserved to be in her heart. She wishes that next time when her boyfriend needs a partner to play with, he wouldn’t come to look for her. She remembers at the beginning, she was so stupid to fall for this player. He once told her that he loves her the most, but she only holds that position for a few seconds. She realised that her ranking in his heart had drop from one to four, then later to twelve and now sixteen. She asked why she ranked sixteen, it is like any girl that he bump into on the street is better than her. Sometime she wishes that she could transform into another person and start their relationship all over again. She is tired of this race against an unknown number of opponents and worry that she will fall lower in the chart. So she wishes that this relationship could be over so that she could release herself from this relationship. Hope you will enjoy the song.

16 號愛人 – Joey Yung

1 comment:

  1. Another thing is, Joey's birthday is on June 16, so another meaning.
