Sunday, January 17, 2021

16th Jan 2021 (一人之境 – Terence Lam (林家謙))

Belated happy new year. It had been a long long time since I have made a post. Hope you all are doing well. Year 2020 was a year full of incidents. While many would think of it being a bad year, to me, it was a mixed bag. The bad: covid19, world went into a limbo; one of my cousins committed suicide due to mental sickness; Hong Kong starting to becoming a stranger place then I ever thought it would. The good: finally successful to lose weight (I have been called a fat boy ever since the start of time lol), now even got people say that I am too thin hahahaha; started a relationship, which I will end tomorrow. While this sounds like a sad thing, but I am actually quite positive about it, because through this, I understand myself much more, I now think I have a better idea of what I am looking for. And I also had a job interview, not sure whether I actually a good fit for the job or whether the work culture would suit me, but at least it is a job that I actually got a second interview hahaha, haven’t have one of these for a long time, to a point that I start to think I would be stuck in my current role until I retired lol. So how was your year 2020?


Let’s get to the main part of this post :) Frankly, I haven’t been posting for a long time because I kind of lose the momentum. I felt kind of tired making myself to write a post everyday. Initially it was really because of change of location and life got busy. Later I wanted to take a break. By the time I think I should write something here, I have already stop listening to new Canton pop (due to the change of my life style, I no longer listen to radio shows as often as I used to), so I no longer resonate or aware of the new canton pop. Though recently, I heard a song from Terence Lam, and it really catches my ear. It is not yet a song that I have listen a lot of, but I think I will soon start to loop it hahahah. So the song that I would like to translate here today is “一人之境”. The official English translation of the title is “Solitude”. (Haven’t wrote one of this for so long that I actually need to look back at one of my old post to see my old style on how to write one of this post hahahaha)


The lyrics of the song is about finding happiness in solitude. The lyrics are all describing the feeling of the protagonist. “Gazing in the party, there are many friends with a smiley face. Moving with the rhythm, there are loneliness within the joy. Looking back after dismissed, there was a bit of solitary, but free. Wanted to untangled the net, and engross the sunny weather. Walking on the mud, while walking, also counting the foot print, surprisingly found that some got cracks. Heard the heart, learnt to repair and rebuild, stop confining the voice. So being solo actually can have fun, with more people it isn’t happier. Silently watching the stars, heard the echo from the moon, such that quietly visited this solitude. So it is happy, gazing at all these mountains alone. Drink a whole can of soft drank, let out a sigh, no need to explain the happiness, no, witnessing this alone. The lamp along the road are touching me, the light gave out hope. The crossing between the cloud and the sun rise, like I have found the solution. So being solo actually can have fun, with more people it isn’t happier. Silently watching the stars, looking forward for the sun ray to take the lead, again, quietly visited this natural scenery state. So I am already very happy, watching the ever changing world alone. Drink a whole can of soft drank, let out of some bubbles, listened to that resonances, it is a type of psychological respond.” Hope you will enjoy this song as much as I do :)


一人之境 Terence Lam (林家謙)