Saturday, September 19, 2015

19th Sep 2015 (數字人生 – George Lam)

The song for today is “數字人生” by George Lam. This is a very unique song, majority of the lyrics are numbers. Although the numbers by itself doesn’t make sense, but somehow this song is very easily sink into your head. I remembered back when I was a kid I can sing the number part of this song after listening to it for a few times. The direct English translation of the title is “Number’s life”.

The lyrics of the song talks about how our life are determined or heavily depended on numbers. The protagonist said: “30624700, 30624770. 534202, 13942, 43140624. 30624700, 30624770. 534202 13942 4314 0624. Fill up our life with numbers. Who would know what they actually mean. Annoyed the whole life, all because of numbers. Who could fully control them all. You thought you got 23, but 41 suddenly popup. Who would have thought that at 4:34 the price could rises by 1004. Uses numbers to know, your IQ, your assets, your body, yours everything. Human and numbers, there are a lot of weird things. Looks how many people are trapped by the calculator. 0434, 0434. 0232, 0232. 0646, 0646. 0878, 0878. 0515, 0515. 0242, 0242. 0696, 0696, 0272, 0272. 0434, 0434. 0232, 0232. 0646, 0646. 0878, 0878. 0515, 0515. 0242, 0242. 0696, 0696, 0272, 0272. 30624700, 30624770. 5, 34202, 13943, 13424.” Hope you will enjoy the song.

數字人生 – George Lam

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