Monday, December 31, 2012

30th Dec 2012 (一生愛你一個 – Ekin Cheng)

The song that I chose for today is “一生愛你一個” by Ekin Cheng. One of my friend got married today, so I chose this song to wish them all the best. The direct English translation of the title is “Only love you in my life”.

The lyrics of the song are about love. The protagonist said that he already forgot why he love her girlfriend, but that doesn’t matter as he clearly know that he will only fall in love with her. Hope you will like the song.

一生愛你一個 – Ekin Cheng

Sunday, December 30, 2012

29th Dec 2012 (天生不對 – Jason Chung and Karene Mak)

The song that I chose of today is “天生不對” by Jason Chung and Karene Mak. This is a follow up song from their last song, if I got the chance I will talk about their previous song. The direct English translation of the title is “Born to be a mismatch”.

The lyrics of the song are about a pair of couple, they used to argue a lot. But slowly they found this arguing entertaining and started to enjoy it and they end up to be together and got married. So it is a story of a couple that was born to be a mismatch.  In the song, they said that everyone might be looking for their perfect match, but how many of them end up being together, at the end most of them only became best friend. Hope you will enjoy the song.
天生不對 – Jason Chung and Karene Mak

Saturday, December 29, 2012

28th Dec 2012 (救援 –龍小菌)

The song that I chose for today is “救援” by 龍小菌. 龍小菌 (direct translation is “Dragon little mushroom”) can be consider as the second generation of internet singer in Hong Kong. 龍小菌 is her stage name, no one knows her real name nor how she looks like as wear a mask when she is on stage. I personally quite like her voice, I think she is a good singer. This generation of internet singer usually sing songs that relate to current event happening right next to us. The song that I chose today is about young girls in Hong Kong who wanted to make fast money (some just want to know more people or feel that they are being love) and became prostitute. It is an unhealthy situation and it is needed to stop as many girls regret when they grow up (or regret when they have a baby and they are not mature enough to handle the situation). The direct translation of the title is “assist”, hope you will enjoy the song.

救援 龍小菌

Friday, December 28, 2012

27th Dec 2012 (街燈晚餐 – Janice Vidal)

The song that I chose for today is “街燈晚餐” by Janice Vidal. I bought Janice’s newest album today and this is the first tack in the album. I personally quite like this song. But I think Janice need to be more careful for her next album, most of her songs in this album sound so similar, perhaps this might be her style and maybe her manager thinks that these types of songs suit Janice. I am happy to listen to these types of song from her, but it get dull from time to time, to a certain degree, I loss the excitement that I used to get from listening to her songs. Her songs no longer have that naïve feeling, but that was partly what I like about her songs, keeping us in fantasy. Anyway the English translation of the title is “Street light dinner”.

The lyrics of the song are about love. The protagonist tells us what true love is about. She said that no one in the world would think about whether their life would be secured by loving another person. They fall in love because they love each other, they hold hands simply because they wanted to hold hands. She is glad that she and her love one had gone this far, even in the future if they have to live poorly, she still wouldn’t regret. Hope you will like the song.

街燈晚餐 – Janice Vidal

Thursday, December 27, 2012

27th Dec 2012 (天使的禮物 – Eason Chan)

The song that I chose for today is “天使的禮物” by Eason Chan. It’s Boxing Day today, so I think I should choose a song that somewhat relate to presents. The direct English translation of the title is “Angel’s present”

The lyrics of the song are about the people that usually get undermined in our society. It talks about taxi drivers, waiters and street cleaners. The song said that these people don’t get much credit about what they do, but without them, the society just wouldn’t function. Their existents make our city better and brighter. Because of what they do, the song said that we should respect them more. Hope you will like the song.

Related posts:
22nd Oct 2016 (四季 – Eason Chan)
27th Sep 2016 (黑洞 – Eason Chan)
10th Sep 2016 (歌頌 – Eason Chan)
2nd Sep 2016 (少見不怪 – Eason Chan)
15th Jul 2016 (幸災樂禍 – Eason Chan)
11th Jul 2016 (不來也不去 – Eason Chan)
1st Jul 2016 (與我常在 – Eason Chan)
19th Mar 2016 (猜情尋 – Eason Chan)
24th Feb 2016 (那一夜有沒有說 / 那一夜有沒有雪? - Eason Chan)
22nd Nov 2015 (Katrina – Eason Chan/David Tao)
23rd Sep 2015 (人生馬拉松 – Eason Chan)
17th Jun 2015 (無條件 – Eason Chan)
19th Feb 2015 (始終我係我 – Eason Chan)
11th Jan 2015 (全世界失眠 – Eason Chan)
5th Jan 2014 (我甚麼都沒有 – Eason Chan)
25th Dec 2014 (My Private Christmas Song – Eason Chan)
11th Dec 2014 (我的快樂時代 – Eason Chan)
3rd Nov 2014 (Lonely Christmas – Eason Chan)
18th Sep 2014 (明年今日 – Eason Chan)
1st Sep 2014 (富士山下 – Eason Chan)
26th Aug 2014 (綿綿 – Eason Chan)
7th Aug 2014 (失戀太少 – Eason Chan)
8th July 2014 (無人之境 – Eason Chan)
4th July 2014 (抱擁這分鐘 – Eason Chan)
2nd July 2014 (一絲不掛 – Eason Chan)
31st May 2014 (垃圾 – Eason Chan/Candy Lo)
12th Apr 2014 (天下無雙 – Eason Chan)
21st Feb 2014 (大開眼戒 (A.K.A. 打回原形) – Eason Chan)
4th Feb 2014 (每一個明天 – Eason Chan)
31st Dec 2013 (新生活 – Eason Chan)
19th Nov 2013 (今日 – Eason Chan)
6th Aug 2013 (大激想 – Eason Chan, Edmond Leung and Miriam Yeung)
1st Aug 2013 (任我行 – Eason Chan)
30th Jun 2013 (黑擇明 – Eason Chan)
27th May 2013 (月球上的人 – Eason Chan)
16th Apr 2013 (開不了心 – Eason Chan)
17th Mar 2013 (幸福摩天輪 – Eason Chan)
24th Jan 2013 (阿牛 – Eason Chan)
23rd Dec 2012 (因為愛情 – Eason Chan & Faye Wong)

天使的禮物 – Eason Chan

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

25th Dec 2012 (The Christmas Tunes – Janice Vidal)

Merry Christmas!!! The song that I chose for today is “The Christmas Tunes” by Janice Vidal. I choose this song purely because it is Christmas.

I guess not much need to be said about this song, it is all about Christmas! Hope will enjoy the song and wish you have received the many presents.

The Christmas Tunes – Janice Vidal

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

24th Dec 2012 (Silent Night)

The song that I chose for today is “Silent Night”. It is Christmas time, so I chose a Christmas carol. Not much need to be said, it is Christmas Eve, so it’s Silent Night.

The lyrics of the song are about the birth of Jesus Christ. But to another degree, I think it also help us to find inner peace, as the melody is slow and steady, which helps us to calm down. Hope you will enjoy the song and Merry Christmas.

Related posts:
25th Dec 2012 (The Christmas Tunes – Janice Vidal)

Silent Night

Monday, December 24, 2012

23rd Dec 2012 (因為愛情 – Eason Chan & Faye Wong)

The song that I chose for today is “因為愛情” by Eason Chan and Faye Wong. This song came out a last year, it was a theme song for a movie. This song is really worth listening as it is sung by two of the most important and popular figure in Chinese music. The direct English translation of the title is “Because of love”.

The lyrics of the song are about love. It talks about how love make us forget all the bad things. Though the protagonists of the song didn’t end up being together, they were listening to an old CD that they used to listen and remembered all the moment that they had together. Hope you will like the song.

Related posts:
Other Eason posts:
22nd Oct 2016 (四季 – Eason Chan)
27th Sep 2016 (黑洞 – Eason Chan)
10th Sep 2016 (歌頌 – Eason Chan)
2nd Sep 2016 (少見不怪 – Eason Chan)
15th Jul 2016 (幸災樂禍 – Eason Chan)
11th Jul 2016 (不來也不去 – Eason Chan)
1st Jul 2016 (與我常在 – Eason Chan)
19th Mar 2016 (猜情尋 – Eason Chan)
24th Feb 2016 (那一夜有沒有說 / 那一夜有沒有雪? - Eason Chan)
22nd Nov 2015 (Katrina – Eason Chan/David Tao)
23rd Sep 2015 (人生馬拉松 – Eason Chan)
17th Jun 2015 (無條件 – Eason Chan)
19th Feb 2015 (始終我係我 – Eason Chan)
11th Jan 2015 (全世界失眠 – Eason Chan)
5th Jan 2014 (我甚麼都沒有 – Eason Chan)
25th Dec 2014 (My Private Christmas Song – Eason Chan)
11th Dec 2014 (我的快樂時代 – Eason Chan)
3rd Nov 2014 (Lonely Christmas – Eason Chan)
18th Sep 2014 (明年今日 – Eason Chan)
1st Sep 2014 (富士山下 – Eason Chan)
26th Aug 2014 (綿綿 – Eason Chan)
7th Aug 2014 (失戀太少 – Eason Chan)
8th July 2014 (無人之境 – Eason Chan)
4th July 2014 (抱擁這分鐘 – Eason Chan)
2nd July 2014 (一絲不掛 – Eason Chan)
31st May 2014 (垃圾 – Eason Chan/Candy Lo)
12th Apr 2014 (天下無雙 – Eason Chan)
21st Feb 2014 (大開眼戒 (A.K.A. 打回原形) – Eason Chan)
4th Feb 2014 (每一個明天 – Eason Chan)
31st Dec 2013 (新生活 – Eason Chan)
19th Nov 2013 (今日 – Eason Chan)
6th Aug 2013 (大激想 – Eason Chan, Edmond Leung and Miriam Yeung)
30th Jun 2013 (黑擇明 – Eason Chan)
27th May 2013 (月球上的人 – Eason Chan)
16th Apr 2013 (開不了心 – Eason Chan)
17th Mar 2013 (幸福摩天輪 – Eason Chan)
24th Jan 2013 (阿牛 – Eason Chan)
27th Dec 2012 (天使的禮物 – Eason Chan)
8th Nov 2012 (愈想愈無謂 – Eason Chan/ Mr. Lonely - Koji Tamaki 玉置浩二)

因為愛情 – Eason Chan & Faye Wong

Sunday, December 23, 2012

22nd Dec 2012 (十二月二十二 – Kay Tse)

The song that I chose for today is “十二月二十二” by Kay Tse. This is the third and final song of my “End of the world” series. This song came out last year, the direct English translation of the title is “22nd of December”.

The lyrics of the song are about why we only see the beauty of our world when everything is over. The lyrics started saying that the disaster is over, everyone came out from their house. The sky is brighter than usual, the air is fresher. Everyone is hugging, we bumped into friends that we haven’t meet for years and we meet many new friends. Now as we are in haven, we don’t need to worry about our living cost or stress from work, we can dance in the park that we missed everyday due to our busy life. Though the real message of the song come at the very end, it said why we have to wait until the world ended to realise that all the things that we love are actually surrounding us every day. I love the message of this song, its message is very deep. Why do we always complain and live our life so busy that we missed out on all the good things that surround us. We worked so hard every day just so we could enjoy our life in the future, but the reality is that we can already enjoy our life, all the things that we like and love are here already. Hope you will enjoy this song as much as I do.

Related posts:
“End of the world” series:

十二月二十二 – Kay Tse

Friday, December 21, 2012

21st Dec 2012 (末日 – Ivana Wong)

The song that I chose for today is “末日” by Ivana Wong. The version that I chose is the story version, which got a narrator to tell the story of the song. This is one of my favourite songs. The direct English translation of the title is “End of the world”. This is the second song of my “end of the world” special

The lyrics of the song are about end of the world. It say that there are many theory about the end of the world, their existent are like reminding her how well she is living her life. If there isn’t much time left, what would you do. Since we can’t control our fate, we should treat every day as the end of the world, as we don’t know what will happen to us the next day. That way we at least have lived our life the way we wanted. It could be short but bright, much better than a dull life that last. What I really like about this song is the narration. The narrator start off telling us that 4 minutes and 40 seconds before the end of the world we got an email telling us that the world will end, we will leave the world that we know, what would you do in this last 4 minutes and 40 seconds. Then the narrator go on and tell us that only 2 minutes and 50 seconds left, everything that we know of will vanish, and asked what would we most yearn. Then when there is only 1 minute and 30 seconds he told us that they made an wrong calculation, the disaster is approaching right now, there is only time to make our last phone call, who would that be. In the last 18 seconds, it’s the end, but we realised it was all wrong, nothing happened, but if you have already know who you were about to call and what to say, why don’t you make the call now.

I really love the narration, it really tell us the message why we only yearn about what we got when we lost them, why don’t we value them when we still got it. Perhaps this end of the world myth is here to remind us to love one another. Hope you will enjoy the song as much as I do.

Related posts:
End of the world series:

末日 – Ivana Wong

20th Dec 2012 (十二月二十 – Kay Tse)

The song that I chose for today is “十二月二十” by Kay Tse. As the so call end of the world is approaching (21st of Dec 2012), I will do an ‘End of the world’ special, starting from today. The title of the song in English is “20th of December”.

This song uses the end of the world to describe how the wealthy and the poor see the end of the world differently. At the beginning it tell us that the wealthier people got onto an ark to travel to the Pacific Ocean to avoid tsunami. While the wealthy people have a party on the ark, drinking wine and having all the best food, the poor got nowhere to go. The poor was forced to stay at home with no water and power, they can only wish that they will somehow survive. But at the end of the world, it turns out that it was worse at the Pacific. All the wealthy people have to fight each other to get life jacket, while the poor just stay at home safely and eating the cheap food that they saved earlier. This song is not really about the end of the world, but rather using that to describe how our society have been split into two major bodies. Hope you will like the song.

十二月二十 – Kay Tse

Thursday, December 20, 2012

19th Dec 2012 (Miss you finally - Trademark)

The song that I chose for today is “miss you finally” by Trademark. This is one of my all-time favourite song.

The lyrics of the song are about a couple, the guy still love the woman, but he realised that she lied to him, all these time she was just playing him. What I like about the song is it simplicity and its slow tempo. Hope you will like it as well.

Miss you finally - Trademark

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

18th Dec 2012 (自欺欺人 – Alex Fong and Theresa Fu)

The song that I chose for today is “自欺欺人” by Alex Fong and Theresa Fu. The direct English translation of the title is “Self-deception”. Although I don’t like either of the singer, but this song that I found that sounds quite interesting.

The lyrics of the song are about a couple. The male felt that they are no longer connected, but he feel that it is his duty to protect the girl, so he don’t wanted to say they are done. The girl still love this guy, she feel that he longer love her, but she don’t wanted to say they are finished either. So the two let this drag on, yet both of them are being hurt because of this. Hope you will like the song.
自欺欺人 – Alex Fong and Theresa Fu

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

17th Dec 2012 (身體發膚 – Kay Tse)

The song that I chose for today is “身體發膚” by Kay Tse. This is one of the songs that I really like from Kay. This song is a few years old and it was a theme song for a distil water.

The lyrics of the song tell us that we should take care of our body. It said that every day we use our body, it help us out at the time when we needed it. We use our legs to walk, use our hand to hug and it never gave us up. So we should repay our body, to let it rest. Hope you will like the song.

身體發膚 – Kay Tse

Monday, December 17, 2012

16th Dec 2012 (Hello – Dave Wong)

The song that I chose for today is “Hello” by Dave Wong. This song was quite popular when it came out. From memory, it was the theme song of a movie.

The lyrics of the song are about love. The protagonist found out that a young girl had feeling for him. But as he feels that there is a big difference between their age, he decided to pretend that he doesn’t know, he have no courage to face this. At the end of the song, he rejected her love. Hope you will like the song.

Hello – Dave Wong

Sunday, December 16, 2012

15th Dec 2012 (心債 – Anita Mui)

The song that I chose for tonight is “心債” by Anita Mui. This is one of the very first original songs sung by Anita. The English translation of the title is “Heart debt”.

The lyrics of the song are about the protagonist tried her best to get her ex-boyfriend to fall in love with her again, but she was unsuccessful. Hope you will enjoy the song.

心債 – Anita Mui

Saturday, December 15, 2012

14th Dec 2012 (Fantastic Baby – Big Bang)

The song that I chose for today is “Fantastic Baby” by Big Bang. Big Bang is a Korean band. Recently Koran stars are getting very popular around the world, one of these is Big Band.

I have no idea what’s the lyrics is about as I don’t understand Korean. Thought what I like about this song is that the beat is fast, it is very good for exercise. Hope you will like the song.

Fantastic Baby – Big Bang.

Friday, December 14, 2012

13th Dec 2012 (漣漪 – Danny Chan)

The song that I chose for today is “漣漪” by Danny Chan. The English translation of the title is “Ripple”. I was walking along the sea side today and I saw the sea got lot of wave. Seeing how the waves interact with each other reminded me of this song.

The lyrics of the song are about love. The protagonist told us that his live was like a lake, very still. His girlfriend is like the ripple in the lake, making lot of disturbance, creating happiness and many happy memories. Listening to this song make me think of how our life interact with each other. We are like waves in the sea, many wave would travel in the same direction, following a patent. But sometime, another set of wave would come and interact with us. We might join together to form a bigger wave or we might just passed through each other like we have never meet. Hope you will enjoy this song.

漣漪 – Danny Chan

Thursday, December 13, 2012

13th Dec 2012 (亞里巴巴 – George Lam)

The song that I chose for today is “亞里巴巴” by George Lam. This song is very old. It was very popular back in the days. The direct English translation is “Ali Baba”.

The lyrics of the song are about love. The song talk about the protagonist is trying to get a girl that he likes to become his girlfriend. However, no matter what he did, she don’t seems to like him. So he wish he is Alibaba, then all he have to do is say “Open Sesame” to open her heart to him. Hope you will like the song.

亞里巴巴 – George Lam

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

11th Dec 2012 (遲婚的女人 – Amanda Lee)

The song that I chose for today is “遲婚的女人” by Amanda Lee. This song was very popular back in 1997. The direct English translation of the title is “Late married woman”

The lyrics of the song describe the feeling of modern woman. It talks about how woman have been seen as an attachment of man, how they are of lesser important. It says that man don’t want to get marry because they can have more time to choose. The protagonist then go on and say that it is fine with her, as she can also have fun as well. Hope you will like the song.

遲婚的女人 – Amanda Lee