Thursday, March 3, 2016

3rd Mar 2016 (你懂我 – Linda Chung)

I have been a bit busy lately, so I haven’t been able to update this blog at my usual schedule. This will probably go on for the next two weeks as well :( Anyway, back to usual business. The song for today is “你懂我” by Linda Chung. This song is a reader request. The direct English translation of the title is “You understand me”.

The lyrics of the song is about life. The protagonist said: “Every day I wish to become a great person. Tried to make myself brighter, every day I told myself how I should act. Slowly I become cold, like a frozen river. Whoever tried to get closer, I will kick them away. So I hide my heart away. A lot of rushing and chasing, but I never felt that I lived. Day by day, hope is getting slimmer. Simple happiness, only you can, always can. Got used to it since I was young, when I faced problem, I will push myself to face it. Lucky I still got you, got you to understand me. Every time when I hurt my hand, who could look after me the whole day. Lucky I got you to relay on. Look around, everyone else got their special someone. I always dreamed, what should I do when it finally is my turn. Slowly I understand when you are with me, who will accidently fall into my heart?” Hope you will like the song.

你懂我 – Linda Chung


  1. thanks Sunny! Appreciate it! Been pulling lots of overtime at work?

  2. appreciate your gooooooood work

    Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
    then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
    and then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;
    the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;
    he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.
    > Dalai Lama

    1. Hahaha, my work hours are quite regular. It is my other commitments outside of work lol. I have been doing some online courses to improve my skills so that I can do my work more efficiently :) Problem is I overestimated my own ability by signing up for two courses at once and underestimated the workload of the two courses. The end result is I am behind schedule and needed time to catch up lol But the course is ending in around 2 weeks, so things should get better by then :D For those interested, the online website that I took the course from is call edX, it is a great site. I think all of their courses are for free, and are run by many of the top universities around the world (such as MIT and Harvard). Not many people seem to know of this website, and since they are providing this for a good cause (to make knowledge and top quality education more easily accessible to a much wider range of people) I would suggest people to check it out :D

      Thanks for the advice though, that is surely something that most of us busy people forget. I have been lack of sleep so badly, sleeping on average 5.5 hrs per night :( Thank goodness it is the weekend now.

    2. Mmmmm koi for sharing. Sleep is important , airplane your phone. When at home drink lots of water since washroom is super near

  3. Looks like there's multiple people posting as Anonymous, its getting quite confusing. I'm the one that requested this song btw. Ah edX, I'll check it out since its free. So you get some sort of cert if you pass the course I'm guessing? 5.5 hours wow, must be drinking lots of coffee to get you through. Have a good rest this weekend.
