Sunday, October 23, 2016

23rd Oct 2016 (新貴 – Joey Yung)

The song for today is “新貴” by Joey Yung. This is a reader request. The direct English translation of the title is “New noble” (while the word directly means noble, but the phase is used to indicate someone who is new and important, getting a lot of attention).

The lyrics of the song are about love. It said: “Why the you who decided to let go of me that day felt worse than me? And even think too much on being sorry. In the past I did want to conquer the tender that was lost, but I realised that I have cried enough, so I let go. Why shows so much grace and anger all because we have broken up? Only wish that you would understand that the easier the happiness come by, the worse it feels. You don’t need to worry; to cover up the wound, so found someone to replace you. Love is not a competition, and I have no more strength to return to the beginning. Each have our own new noble; who is showing off? Who once dumped me, but believed that I wasn’t the one with problem. Perhaps I once felt very down, but it turns out that I let it go easier than you. I am hugging my new noble, never thought of who couldn’t be replace, or whether you or him worth more. Love to a point that I am not worry about regret. Please don’t enjoy your shame while pretending that it was for me. Everyone could have a new lover and at the same time could openly nostalgia. Why feel the guilt when you tried the be happier earlier? Love is freedom, wish that you would understand, as I have seen you suffer enough while trying to compensate. I am hugging my new noble, never thought of who couldn’t be replace, or whether you or him worth more. Whoever worth my tears and joy, he will naturally stay. You, the old ‘new noble’, when I looked back, I am still pleased. Dumped me before, but believed that I wasn’t the problem. Perhaps you felt so bad, but it past already, so why not let go. I am hugging my new noble, never thought of who couldn’t be replace, or how the future could be better if I fallen in love with someone else. If we can love truthfully, then there would be no regret. Old lover, also worth a lot.” Hope you will like the song.

Related posts:
12th May 2013 (世上只有 – Joey Yung)
3rd May 2013 (16 號愛人 – Joey Yung)
8th Apr 2013 (與蝶同眠 – Joey Yung)

新貴 – Joey Yung

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