Saturday, March 31, 2012

31st Mar 2012 (That’s Why (you go away) - Michael Learns to Rock)

The song for today is “That’s Why (you go away)” By Michael Learns to Rock. A song with beautiful melody.

Everyone have their past, and what make us differ from each others are the things that had happened in our life. There could be times that we are hurt, times that we were happy, time that we were sad. It is all these little things that happened in our day-to-day life that built up our personality and it is all these things that make us different from each other. So when there are bad thing happened in our life, don’t get too upset, move on and let it become part of yourself. One day when you look back, you might be able to view it from a whole new perspective. Hope you enjoy the song that I chose for today.

That’s Why (you go away) – Michael Learns to Rock

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