Monday, April 30, 2012

30th Apr 2012 (他約我去迪士尼 – Kellyjackie)

The song for today is “他約我去迪士尼” by Kellyjackie. This song came out in 2005. It was a song took advantage of the internet and the opening of Hong Kong Disneyland.

This song was uploaded by Kellyjackie for free download in 2005. Kellyjackie was a ‘internet’ singer (by that I mean she didn’t have an contract with any producer, and they mainly produce song for leisure and let people to download them from the internet.) The English translation of the title is “He invited me to Disneyland”. The songs basically talks about love, but it is written in such a way that it describe the fantasy and fairy tales of Disney. It also talks about the excitement of a girl walking into Disneyland. Because this song was so popular and the lyrics matched the theme of Disney, Disney at the end used this song for their Hong Kong Disneyland promotion. They invited one of Kellyjackie’s idols, Kelly Chan, to sing this song with her. (Note that Kellyjackie is not her real name. She used this name for performance only. This name comes by combining her idols Kelly Chan and her own name Jackie.) Hope you will enjoy the song.
他約我去迪士尼 – Kellyjackie

Kelly Chan and Kellyjackie version

Sunday, April 29, 2012

29th Apr 2012 (七百年後 – Eason Chan)

Today’s song is “七百年後” by Eason Chan. This song was inspired by Pixar’s movie “Wall E”.

This is really matches the movie. Someone did cut some footage out from Wall E and make that into a music video for this song, but it got deleted due to copyright reason. This song is about love could be simple, we don’t need all the fancy stuff in this world to love and be loved.

By the way, if you haven’t seen Pixar’s Wall E, you really should watch it. It is one of my favourite movies. Not sure why many people think that animations are for kids only. Like many of my friends, when I told them that I love Pixar’s movies, they laugh. I guess it is because they don’t see the message behind those movies. What I really like about Pixar is that their movies are for both kids and adults. While kids see what they wanted to see, adults see the deeper meaning and message in the movie. Like Wall E, on the surface, you could see it as an adventure movie, could be as simple as a robot trying to save the world and fall in love with another robot. But really the message that I see behind it is completely different. My understanding of the message is that if we keep living our life the way we do, we are going to destroy our world. With our technologies growing so quickly, things that used to be hard to achieve could be as simple as pressing a button. These can lead to health problem, and not just that, it could also blind us from seeing the beauty of the natural world. So this leads us to think whether technologies are helping us or destroying us.

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this song. If you got the chance, watch Wall E as well.

Related posts:
22nd Oct 2016 (四季 – Eason Chan)
27th Sep 2016 (黑洞 – Eason Chan)
10th Sep 2016 (歌頌 – Eason Chan)
2nd Sep 2016 (少見不怪 – Eason Chan)
15th Jul 2016 (幸災樂禍 – Eason Chan)
11th Jul 2016 (不來也不去 – Eason Chan)
1st Jul 2016 (與我常在 – Eason Chan)
19th Mar 2016 (猜情尋 – Eason Chan)
24th Feb 2016 (那一夜有沒有說 / 那一夜有沒有雪? - Eason Chan)
22nd Nov 2015 (Katrina – Eason Chan/David Tao)
23rd Sep 2015 (人生馬拉松 – Eason Chan)
17th Jun 2015 (無條件 – Eason Chan)
19th Feb 2015 (始終我係我 – Eason Chan)
11th Jan 2015 (全世界失眠 – Eason Chan)
5th Jan 2014 (我甚麼都沒有 – Eason Chan)
25th Dec 2014 (My Private Christmas Song – Eason Chan)
11th Dec 2014 (我的快樂時代 – Eason Chan)
3rd Nov 2014 (Lonely Christmas – Eason Chan)
18th Sep 2014 (明年今日 – Eason Chan)
1st Sep 2014 (富士山下 – Eason Chan)
26th Aug 2014 (綿綿 – Eason Chan)
7th Aug 2014 (失戀太少 – Eason Chan)
8th July 2014 (無人之境 – Eason Chan)
4th July 2014 (抱擁這分鐘 – Eason Chan)
2nd July 2014 (一絲不掛 – Eason Chan)
31st May 2014 (垃圾 – Eason Chan/Candy Lo)
12th Apr 2014 (天下無雙 – Eason Chan)
4th Feb 2014 (每一個明天 – Eason Chan)
31st Dec 2013 (新生活 – Eason Chan)
19th Nov 2013 (今日 – Eason Chan)
6th Aug 2013 (大激想 – Eason Chan, Edmond Leung and Miriam Yeung)
1st Aug 2013 (任我行 – Eason Chan)
30th Jun 2013 (黑擇明 – Eason Chan)
27th May 2013 (月球上的人 – Eason Chan)
16th Apr 2013 (開不了心 – Eason Chan)
17th Mar 2013 (幸福摩天輪 – Eason Chan)
24th Jan 2013 (阿牛 – Eason Chan)
27th Dec 2012 (天使的禮物 – Eason Chan)
23rd Dec 2012 (因為愛情 – Eason Chan & Faye Wong)
8th Nov 2012 (愈想愈無謂 – Eason Chan/ Mr. Lonely - Koji Tamaki 玉置浩二)
9th Oct 2012 (1874 – Eason Chan)
7th Oct 2012 (完 – Eason Chan/夢想天空分外藍 – Eason Chan)
13th Aug 2012 (非禮 – Eason Chan)

七百年後 – Eason Chan
(The first one is the Wall E version music video with English translation of the lyrics. But just in case that will get deleted, I have also linked to the normal version.)

Wall E version

Normal version

Saturday, April 28, 2012

28th Apr 2012 (燕尾蝶 – Shine)

Today’s song is “燕尾蝶” by Shine. The English translation of the title is “Swallowtail butterfly”. This is a very meaningful song.

This song is about environment. It talks about how we slowly destroying our would to build our civilisation. The song is slow paces and if you don’t know what the lyrics is talking about you would feel that it is a peaceful song. But if you actually pay attention to the lyrics, you will feel that it is very scary. The lyrics as I said is saying we are destroying the earth, but yet the way Shine are singing it make it sounds like they don’t care what’s happening. This is scary because this is exactly how the majority of the people think these days. We all know that what we are doing to Earth is bad, but yet the majority of us are still doing it on day to day basis. We are so selfish that we no longer care what’s happening in the world, we just wanted to enjoy our life in the best manner without carrying what that will caused to others (in this case, I am talking about animals, plants and other creatures that we share the Earth with.) Hope you will enjoy the song, and start acting as an environmental friendly person.

Related posts:
13th Jul 2015 (伊利莎伯太遲來 – Shine)
22nd Mar 2015 (SuperStar – Shine)
21st Apr 2013 (天又藍 - Shine)

燕尾蝶 – Shine

Friday, April 27, 2012

27th Apr 2012 (一光年 – Leo Ku)

The song for today is “一光年” by Leo Ku. This song has a very similar name to the song that I chose for yesterday (26th Apr 2012 (一萬年 Daniel Chan)).

一光年 – Leo Ku

Thursday, April 26, 2012

26th Apr 2012 (一萬年 – Daniel Chan)

The song for today is “一萬年” by Daniel Chan. This song was quite popular in the 90’s in Hong Kong.

The English translation of the title is “Ten thousand years”. This song is about how one person have kept waiting for his perfect match and finally they meet. Even though they were so far away from each other, but as they are meant to be a pair, he believes that they would meet each other some point during their life. Hope you will enjoy this song
一萬年 – Daniel Chan

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

25th Apr 2012 ((你沒有)好結果 – Amanda Lee)

Today’s song is “(你沒有)好結果” by Amanda Lee. This is not an ordinary love song. The translation of the title in English is “(You wouldn’t have) A good ending”. The reason why “you wouldn’t have” is put inside a bracket is that the publisher thinks that the name of the song is too aggressive, so they requested the song writer to do something about it. At the end they decided to put that part inside the bracket, so that it looks will minimise the negative meaning.

This was a hit song in the 90’s in Hong Kong. It is about a girl is broken heart because she had just breakup with her boyfriend. From the title, you would have already guessed that the breakup wasn’t under the girl’s wills. So throughout the song, the girl hopes that a girl that her ex-boyfriend loves would hurt him as much as he had hurt her. It also said that if she sees her ex-boyfriend end up having a good relationship, it would hurt her even more. So this song is quite different to other songs about breakup, as this one show the extreme cases of broken heart and show how love can turn to hate. Hope you will like this song.
(你沒有)好結果 – Amanda Lee

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

24th Apr 2012 (Desperado - The Carpenters/Eagles)

Today’s song is “Desperado” by The Carpenters. The original version was sung by an American band called Eagles.

My interpretation of the lyrics is that there is this person who is trying to protecting herself by not letting herself to fall in love. The singer (the person telling the story), who love this woman, is saying that she should let herself to fall in love before it is too late.

I love the tune of this song, and I like both the original and The Carpenters covered version, but I think the way The Carpenters present this song is slightly better. Anyways, I have linked both version, so you can decide yourself. Enjoy the songs for today.

Desperado – The Carpenters
(The attached video might got some problems when playing on Blogger, so here is a direct link to the YouTube video:

Desperado – Eagles

Monday, April 23, 2012

23rd Apr 2012 (I Remember You - Zen)

Today’s song is “I Remember You” by Zen. Zen is a band in Hong Kong in the 90’s.

“I Remember You” is a very famous song by Zen. Younger generation may not recognise this song by the name, but I am quite sure that if they listen to the first few lines of the song they would realised that they had heard this song before.

This song is about a guy realising that he misses his girlfriend, after they break up. So throughout the song, it keeps mentioning that how he always thinking about her, how empty he felt now when she is not with him anymore. Hope you will enjoy this song.

I Remember You - Zen

Sunday, April 22, 2012

22nd Apr 2012 (Careless Whisper – George Michael)

Today’s song is “Careless Whisper” by George Michael. I like this song because of its melody.

There seems to be many different interpretations of the lyrics of this song. But I think the one that most make sense to me is the one about love. I think that in this song George used dance as a metaphor as love. If this is correct, then what this song is talking about is that the person has done something that betrayed his girlfriend (could possibly be best friend either). The girl had found out about this and decided to break up. What exactly he did was not mentioned in the lyrics. Now that he realised he have done something that got no turning back and he have destroyed their relationship. He also thinks that he couldn’t love anyone else like the way that he loves her.

There happened to have two versions of this song, both with the same lyrics, but the producer were different. Anyways hope you will enjoy this song.

Careless Whisper – George Michael

Saturday, April 21, 2012

21st Apr 2012 (路...一直都在 – Eason Chan)

Today’s song is “...一直都在” by Eason Chan. The English translation of this song title is “Road…is always there”.

This song is about tracing dream. It talks about how we should push through any difficulties that we face to pursue out dream. In our life we face many dark hours, we might get lost and unsure what to do. But that’s just life. All we need to do is to hold on to our dream, and not get frighten by the failure consequences and if we keep going, we would realised that the road to our goal is always there.

Hope this song will give you strength at difficult times. Enjoy.

Related posts:
22nd Oct 2016 (四季 – Eason Chan)
27th Sep 2016 (黑洞 – Eason Chan)
10th Sep 2016 (歌頌 – Eason Chan)
2nd Sep 2016 (少見不怪 – Eason Chan)
15th Jul 2016 (幸災樂禍 – Eason Chan)
11th Jul 2016 (不來也不去 – Eason Chan)
1st Jul 2016 (與我常在 – Eason Chan)
19th Mar 2016 (猜情尋 – Eason Chan)
24th Feb 2016 (那一夜有沒有說 / 那一夜有沒有雪? - Eason Chan)
22nd Nov 2015 (Katrina – Eason Chan/David Tao)
23rd Sep 2015 (人生馬拉松 – Eason Chan)
17th Jun 2015 (無條件 – Eason Chan)
19th Feb 2015 (始終我係我 – Eason Chan)
11th Jan 2015 (全世界失眠 – Eason Chan)
5th Jan 2014 (我甚麼都沒有 – Eason Chan)
25th Dec 2014 (My Private Christmas Song – Eason Chan)
11th Dec 2014 (我的快樂時代 – Eason Chan)
3rd Nov 2014 (Lonely Christmas – Eason Chan)
18th Sep 2014 (明年今日 – Eason Chan)
1st Sep 2014 (富士山下 – Eason Chan)
26th Aug 2014 (綿綿 – Eason Chan)
7th Aug 2014 (失戀太少 – Eason Chan)
8th July 2014 (無人之境 – Eason Chan)
4th July 2014 (抱擁這分鐘 – Eason Chan)
2nd July 2014 (一絲不掛 – Eason Chan)
31st May 2014 (垃圾 – Eason Chan/Candy Lo)
12th Apr 2014 (天下無雙 – Eason Chan)
21st Feb 2014 (大開眼戒 (A.K.A. 打回原形) – Eason Chan)
4th Feb 2014 (每一個明天 – Eason Chan)
31st Dec 2013 (新生活 – Eason Chan)
19th Nov 2013 (今日 – Eason Chan)
6th Aug 2013 (大激想 – Eason Chan, Edmond Leung and Miriam Yeung)
1st Aug 2013 (任我行 – Eason Chan)
30th Jun 2013 (黑擇明 – Eason Chan)
27th May 2013 (月球上的人 – Eason Chan)
16th Apr 2013 (開不了心 – Eason Chan)
17th Mar 2013 (幸福摩天輪 – Eason Chan)
24th Jan 2013 (阿牛 – Eason Chan)
27th Dec 2012 (天使的禮物 – Eason Chan)
23rd Dec 2012 (因為愛情 – Eason Chan & Faye Wong)
8th Nov 2012 (愈想愈無謂 – Eason Chan/ Mr. Lonely - Koji Tamaki 玉置浩二)
9th Oct 2012 (1874 – Eason Chan)
7th Oct 2012 (完 – Eason Chan/夢想天空分外藍 – Eason Chan)
13th Aug 2012 (非禮 – Eason Chan)

...一直都在 – Eason Chan

Friday, April 20, 2012

20th Apr 2012 (My Love My Fate – Janice Vidal)

Today’s song is “My Love My Fate” by Janice Vidal. When this song first came out, it was the first time I heard Janice voice. I love Janice voice and singing style.

I really like this song. I remember when I got the CD, I keep looping this song. I must have listened to it 10-15 times in a roll before I stop for a toilet.

This song is about a girl trying to break up with her boyfriend. She is really in love with him, but yet, she realized that her boyfriend got another girlfriend. In the lyrics it had mentioned that the boyfriend asked her to shear him with his other girlfriend. But of cause, she didn’t and she left. At the end of the lyrics, it shows that she is very unhappy about this relationship and that she is treating this experience as if she was watching a movie, where her boyfriend is an actor, acting that he love her over the years. Hope you enjoy this song.
My Love My Fate – Janice Vidal

Thursday, April 19, 2012

19th Apr 2012 (棋子 – Faye Wong)

The song for today is “棋子” by Faye Wong. I love how Faye sings this song. The English translation of the song title is “Chessman”.

This song is about the relationship of a couple. It basically talk about the girl is lost with her relationship. She wanted to breakup with her boyfriend, but yet she feel that she is trapped with him. She feel that the whole relationship is in control by her boyfriend, she feel that she is a chessman, can’t control her own will. She know that she is not one of the most important girls that he has, but also not one of the minor one either. So she is very lost and letting her boyfriend to control the destiny of their relationship. Hope you will enjoy this song.

Related songs:
27th Dec 2015 (尾班車 – Faye Wong/いつわりの日々 – 浜田省吾)
11th Dec 2015 (長大 - Faye Wong)
29th July 2014 (給自己的情書/笑忘書 – Faye Wong)
8th May 2014 (流星 – Faye Wong)
15th Apr 2014 (郵差/蝴蝶 – Faye Wong)
1st Feb 2014 (重燃 – Faye Wong)
3rd Jan 2014 (容易受傷的女人 (Cantonese version)/容易受傷的女人(Mandarin version) – Faye Wong)
26th Dec 2013 (你快樂(所以我快樂) – Faye Wong)
3rd Aug 2013 (執迷不悔 (Cantonese version)/執迷不悔 (Mandarin version) – Faye Wong)
18th Jul 2013 (夢中人 – Faye Wong/Dreams – The Cranberries)
27th Feb 2013 (人間 – Faye Wong/清流 – Miyuki Nakajima 中島美雪)
21st Jan 2013 (愛與痛的邊緣 – Faye Wong)
23rd Dec 2012 (因為愛情 – Eason Chan & Faye Wong)
3rd Oct 2012 (約定 – Faye Wong)

棋子 – Faye Wong

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

18th Apr 2012 (True Colours – Olivia Ong)

Today’s song is “True Colours” by Olivia Ong. The original was sung by Cyndi Lauper, but I think Olivia’s version is better, as I think her voice is a better match to the song.

Initially, when I first heard this song, I didn’t like it too much as the whole song is very flat. But one day I paid attention to the lyrics and I think that it is a very good song. This song is basically about how we should see ourselves. When our life became difficult, we tense to hide ourselves, when we acts differently, we will try to blend in with others. This song is telling us to be ourselves, let our true self to shown, and if we do that we will get all the love that we wanted we will shine through the world. Hope you will enjoy this song.

True Colours – Olivia Ong

17th Apr 2012 (天梯 – C AllStar)

Today’s song is “天梯” by C AllStar. This is a beautiful song for a very touching story in China. The direct English translation of the song is call “Sky ladder”.

Instead of talking about the lyrics of the song today, I am going to talk about the true story that the song talks about. (I found that it is very difficult to get an English version of this story, so hopefully this will give you some idea of the story.) This story is about a couple, the male called Lau Kwok Kwong (劉國江) and the female called Chui Chiu Ching (徐朝清) (I am going to refer to their surname in the following, so Lau as the husband, Chui as wife). In 1942, when Lau was 6, he meets Chui when Chui first moved into his village. At that time, Chui was 16, 10 years older than Lau. 10 years later, Chui husband passed away, leaving her by herself with 4 kids, eldest is 9 years old and the youngest is 1. At that time, people look down at widows, saying that Chui bring bad luck to her husband. Chui was living in poverty, she can only afford to eat mushroom that she found from the mountain. The only thing that she can do was to make grass sandals, which she can sell for 5 dollars.  Lau wanted to help her out, but he was worried that he would get rejected (as Chui was being discriminated, it is not hard to believe that she would reject others help to prevent others being discriminated as well) or that others will laugh at him for helping Chui. Until one day, Lau heard that Chui fallen into a river with her youngest son, he quickly get there and saved them both. This was the first time that Lau looks straight to Chui eyes. Since then, Lau helped Chui’s daily life, helping her to cut woods for fire, bring water back to her house. The news spread through the village fast, many people start talking about Lau, some approach him to tell him stop helping Chui. Lau’s mother was very unhappy that his son’s action, and most people were worried that this would make life hard for Lau as well. A day in 1958, Chui told Lau to stop helping her out as it is not good to stick around with a widow. That night, Lau sneak into Chui’s house and told her that he wanted to marry Chui. Chui looked at Lau then to her four kids, tears came out from her eyes but she shook her head. Lau said “I am serious”. The next day the 6 of them disappeared from the village. They move to the mountain to avoid gossips. Their life were hard, they grow their own food, but got stolen by animals. One year the flood came and washed away their house. Later on, the youngest kid die when he was five, but after that they have 4 more kids. When they live in the mountain, they sometimes go down the mountain to buy some food and transported their kids to school. But the road down the mountain is very narrow and it is full of thorns. Lau was worried that his partner would trip over, so he started to build a love stair. Lau spent over half a century to build a stair of over 6000 steps only with the most basic tools that he got. All their kids now have move away from the mountain to get work in the city, only their third son is living in a town close by. His son have asked the couple to move down with him, but they are too used to the life in the mountain. They promised each other whoever pass away first, the other will buried the dead one in the mountain and move with their son. In 2007, Lau passed away. Breaking her promise, Chui still lives in the mountain as she misses the time that she spent with her husband. This story was discovered by a group of mountaineers, when they saw this stairs that lead to the top of the mountain in 2006. Hope you will enjoy this song. I have linked to a non-official version of the songs that displace footages of the couple.
天梯 – C AllStar

Monday, April 16, 2012

16th Apr 2012 (I Dreamed a Dream – Susan Boyle)

Today’s song is “I Dreamed a Dream” by Susan Boyle. This song is from a play called “Les Miserables” and this is the song that makes Susan Boyle famous.

I was very amazed when I first heard this version of the song then saw the picture of Susan. When I first heard her voice, I thought she is a young woman, then after that I search on the net to see how she looks like. I was very shock at first as she looks completely different to how I thought she looks, she is a lot older then I what I was expected. I guess that’s why people said you shouldn’t judge people by their faces.

Back to the song. This song is about the character Fantine reviewing her life. Basically this song is about how she had dreams and love, but one day her lover left her and her life has turn upside-down. Although I found it hard from time to time to hear exactly what she is singing, but I quite like this song as the vocal part is very strong. Hope you will like this song.
I Dreamed a Dream – Susan Boyle

Sunday, April 15, 2012

15th Apr 2012 (空凳 – Danny Summer)

The song for today is “空凳” by Danny Summer. Another song about the love between father and son. This is the last one of the series  (checkout “單車”and “追憶”) (edit on 25th May 2013: A new song is added to this series, check out 負親”)

I don’t like this song as much as the other two in the series, but since I have posted the other two, I should complete my series with this song as well. Although all three songs are about father and son, but they are all slightly different from each other. Eason’s “單車” is about growing up and understanding the love from his father, George’s “追憶” is about the memory that the father and son share and the pain of losing a father. Danny’s “空凳” (by the way, the English translation of the title is “Empty chair”) is about regret. The lyrics goes like this “There is an empty chair, but it still attract me to get closer. A long long time ago, in this chair, my dad was like a giant. There is only regret left in this wear chair. Long time ago, this chair used to be beautiful, and there were little wrinkle on dad’s face. Staring at this chair along make me wish that I could sit with him again. Looking at this chairing make me sad, why I didn’t tell him what I wanted to say. I was lazy to say “I love you”, lazy to say “I love you”. I used to think that I was the most important. But today I realised that I love him, I love him forever, but I can only say it to an empty chair.”

I guess all these 3 songs bring out a point that the love between father and son are not in words. Unlike the love from mother, father’s loves are usually not shown to you directly, but they would try their best to protect you behind your back. I guess this is the way of love between men, and it would be hard for female to understand it. Hope you will like the song for today.

Just for your information, the lyrics of “追憶” and “空凳” were written by the same person.
Other songs in the Father and son series post:
25th May 2013 (負親 – Terence Chui/說不出的 – Rico Long)

空凳 – Danny Summer

A medley of the three songs by George Lam.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

14th Apr 2012 (追憶 – George Lam)

Today’s song is “追憶” by George Lam. George is a very famous singer in the 80’s and 90’s in Hong Kong.

This song “追憶” (meaning “Recall”) is very similar to the song “單車” (29th Mar 2012 (單車- Eason Chan), both of them talks about the love between father and son. While Eason’s ”單車” is about how a son have grown up and finally understand the way his father loves him, “追憶” is slightly different. “追憶” is really likes its name implies, recalling memories with his dad. In “追憶”, the father have passed away and the son is recalling all his memories. The song starting started off talking about the son, when he was still a kid, have seen an performer performing with puppet and he loved the performance. But once the performers have left, they didn’t leave behind a single trace. The son then questioned why everything that grown up with him can’t stay with him. He recalled the time he was walking with his dad during a hot summer, a time when his dad discussed his future with him and the first time they drink together. He questioned himself why summer feels as cold as winter from the time his father passed away. He feels hard to accept that his father had passed away and that it feels like he is the only person left in the world. At the end of the song, the son finally understood that he have to keep strong by himself. When there is time, he will recall his memories, happy and sad. Even though he is sad, but he is glade that time has left behind lots of memories, everything that has grown up with him will stay in his heart. People he loved will always stay in his heart.

After reading through the lyrics once when writing this I am already crying. Just like Eason’s ”單車”, I don’t know why every time I listened to this song I cry. These two songs are my all-time favourite. Hopeful tomorrow I will introduce the third and final one in the line. Hope you will enjoy “追憶” as much as I do.

追憶 – George Lam

Friday, April 13, 2012

13th Apr 2012 (Vincent – Don McLean)

The song of the day is “Vincent” by Don McLean. So finally today is not a wedding song :p

I first heard this song in a TV drama series and I love the melody of this song, at that time thought I didn’t pay much attention to the lyrics, all I know is that the “Starry starry night” at the start of the song really catch my ears. Until recently, I looked up the lyrics and meaning of the songs, I realised what this song is really about.

This song is about Vincent Van Gogh. Not sure how many of you know about this, but Van Gogh was not famous when he was alive. It was only after his dead his painting became famous. Feel quite sorry for him, all the hard work that he did at the end didn’t made him any profit, yet people that have nothing to do with him make big bucks out of his painting. His life was a tragic, he didn’t have any one that can understand him, and finally he committed suicide to end it all. This song picks up on the life of Van Gogh. In the lyrics, it goes through a lot of his famous painting, and at the same time telling us how Van Gogh feels during his depression stage and how lonely he was. Hope you would like this song, enjoy.

Vincent – Don McLean

Thursday, April 12, 2012

12th Apr 2012 (一對對 – Ekin Cheng)

Today’s song is “一對對” by Ekin Cheng. Again I found this song when I was searching for wedding songs in my music library :p (Sounds like I will be keep posting wedding songs for a while). This is a song from a Hong Kong movie call “風雲” (The English title is call “The Storm Riders”) and the movie came out in 1998.

I love the melody of this song, especially at the beginning when the kids start singing, it really give you a sense of fantasy. The song revolves around an idea of pairs. (The song title in English means “Pairs”. The lyrics are very simple, but it is somewhat like a poem. The first part, “月亮亮眾星伴隨
快看看滿天星淚 日一對 夜一對 螢火一對對” in English, it is “The bright moon is accompanied by stars, looks at all the stars, pairs in daytime, pairs at night, fireflies are in pairs as well.” The second part is “夜靜靜眾生伴隨 雨細細有風相聚 來一對 回亦一對 落花一對對” this in English means “Quiet night is being accompanied by people, rains are being accompanied by wind, come as pairs, leave as pairs, petals fall in pairs as well”. The last part “問螢火 照耀誰 不怕累怕孤獨睡 撲翼飛去 在長空裡 有甚麼不對 雪地冰天也一對” means “Ask the fireflies, who to shine at, not afraid of being tired but afraid of being alone. Let fly to the sky, no matter what’s wrong, even at the coldest day we will still be a pair.” The original lyrics is much better than my translation, hope that my bad English wouldn’t disturbed you from loving the song. Enjoy
一對對 – Ekin Cheng

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

11th Apr 2012 (世界之最[我願意] – Sammi Cheng)

Today’s song is “世界之最[我願意]” by Sammi Cheng. One of my family members will be getting married at the end of the year and she asked me to pick some songs for her wedding. So last night I was going through my collection and found this song.

The title in English is “Best of the World (I Do)”. This is not a typical wedding song I guess, as the melody is not the typically slow pace, but the lyrics are quite meaningful. The lyrics basically is about a couple that just got married, and that she is thinking if tragic happened to her husband she will feel very painful. Apart from that she also mentioned about how happy she would be when her husband is with her, even in the extreme case when it is the end of the world and the sky are falling down, it wouldn’t matter if her husband is by her side. Hope this song will bring love to you, enjoy.

Related posts:
28th Jan 2017 (有一種快樂 – Sammi Cheng)
18th Sep 2016 (八公里 – Sammi Cheng)
1st Aug 2016 (如果我們不再見 – Sammi Cheng)
18th Dec 2015 (親密關係 – Sammi Cheng)
3rd Jul 2015 (給最傷心的人 – Sammi Cheng)
20th May 2015 (蕭邦寫過的歌 – Sammi Cheng)
11th May 2015 (親我等於愛我嗎 – Sammi Cheng/秋止符 – アリス)
15th Apr 2015 (默契 – Sammi Cheng)
10th Feb 2015 (苦戀 – Sammi Cheng/留什麼給你 – Sun Nan (孫楠))
18th Dec 2014 (思念 – Sammi Cheng)
24th Oct 2014 (談情說愛 – Sammi Cheng and Sally Yip)
22nd Sep 2014 (為何又是這樣錯 – Sammi Cheng)
31st Aug 2014 (哭泣遊戲 – Sammi Cheng)
18th July 2014 (其實心裡有沒有我 – Sammi Cheng and Andy Hui)
5th May 2014 (盲愛 – Sammi Cheng)
15th Jan 2014 (落錯車 – Sammi Cheng)
18th Nov 2013 (薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉 – Sammi Cheng/With – Nakajima Miyuki 中島美雪)
17th Nov 2013 (熱愛島 – Sammi Cheng)
15th Oct 2013 (理想對象 – Sammi Cheng)
10th Aug 2013 (時間之光 – Sammi Cheng)
14th Jul 2013 (娃娃看天下 – Sammi Cheng)
8th Jul 2013 (叮噹 – Sammi Cheng/DING DONG (僕だけのアイドル) – Southern All Stars)
19th Jun 2013 (Chotto 等等 – Sammi Cheng/チョット – Maki Ohguro (大黒摩季))
10th Jun 2013 (瘦身男女 – Sammi Cheng)
1st May 2013 (表演時間 – Sammi Cheng)
2nd Mar 2013 (星秀傳說 – Sammi Cheng)
19th Jan 2013 (一夜成名 – Sammi Cheng)
30th Oct 2012 (捨不得你 – Sammi Cheng)
21st Sep 2012 (睡火山 – Andy Hui)
22nd Aug 2012 (如何掉眼淚 – Sammi Cheng)

世界之最[我願意] – Sammi Cheng
(It seems that the MV have a different interpretation of the song…..)