Sunday, March 23, 2014

23rd Mar 2014 (青春頌 – Alfred Hui)

The song that I chose for today is “青春頌” by Alfred Hui. This was a song from 2012. I have listened to it many times, but only until recently I pay attention to the lyrics and I found the song very toughing. The direct English translation of the title is “Youth song”.

The lyrics of the song are about life. It said if you are passionate then let yourself do whatever you wanted to do. When you feel weak, please don’t blame your fate. If you are not smart, then you should work hard. When you still haven’t taken on your responsibilities, remember to have fun. Everyone will turn old, and when they do they realised how good youth was. You should wait until you get old to think about how good youth was. So while you haven’t got anything to complain, please realise about your life. Your youth time is a treasure, so please use it while you can. Remember to share every night with the most beautiful person. Please don’t forget that you relay on your strength to heal every wounds. If you got the strength to stand up, then just go against the norms. Don’t worry about rain wetting your eyes. There is no need to listen to others as everyone will have a different opinion. There is no need to plan, just walk forward and do all the things that you wanted to do. If you don’t have the luck you can still gamble with god. During the youth time, who wouldn’t have regret? Just burn your youth while you can. Remember to share every night with the most beautiful person. Please don’t forget that you relay on your strength to heal every wounds. Remember that while you can, give more favours to others. If you still naughty and strong, just go and experience the world and not worry about returning. No need to mark an end, you can just travel fore and back like wind. You aren’t old, and it’s not too late; it is not the end, so relax and have fun. If life is unlimited, then why limit yourself; you should be greedy about youth. Remember you should be enjoying yourself every night. Please not forget to feel sorry for every disaster. If you got the strength to stand up, then go against the norms. Don’t worry about rain getting your eyes wet, make your life shine. Hope you will like the song.

青春頌 – Alfred Hui

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