Monday, February 4, 2013

4th Feb 2013 (掛念好友 – JW)

The song that I chose for today is “掛念好友” by JW. JW don’t have too many song, from memory, she only produced two albums so far. She is in the same company as Janice Vidal and Jill Vidal. From memory she came out at the time when Jill was in a lawsuit about taking drugs. So Jill image was very bad at that time, since Janice is her sister, so at one point she was also suspected. I think because of that news, the company wanted someone to ‘replace’ Janice and Jill, so they push out JW. It’s funny how all the current female starts in the company all have names start with J. Anyways, back then JW was seen pretty much as a temperately Janice replacement, as they sound very similar. (Note that Janice and JW sang a song together, which was also included in JW’s first album). By the way, JW actually have quite a good singing background. She came second in a singing contest (the winner of the singing contest was G.E.M.). Sadly, JW seems to have disappeared since her last album (2011). The direct English translation of the title is “Miss my friend”.

The lyrics of the song are about two friends, and one of them (the protagonist) is moving away to another country. Though, the protagonist feels that she is treating her friend beyond just a friend, she wanted him to be her boyfriend. She wishes that he would found out about how she feels, yet he never did.

I guess these days, people don’t quite understand the distance that being created between two people when they move away as internet is so popular and well spread. But around 10-15 years ago, moving to another country feels pretty much like you will never see the person again. So I guess it is harder for younger generation to fully understand the feeling in this song. Anyways, hope you will like the song.

掛念好友 – JW

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