Monday, October 26, 2015

26th Oct 2015 (小俠 – Ivana Wong)

The song for today is “小俠” by Ivana Wong. I heard this song today and I quite like it, so I thought I will talk about it here. The English translation of the title is “Little hero”.

The lyrics are very meaningful. In the description of the YouTube video, it says: “In every one heart there lives a kind, courage, curious kid. But as we grew up, we faced difficult and got lost, and we locked the kid up, then we got used to living in fear and lost. But the kid is our true face, if we can open our heart and accept his existence, listen to his needs, protect and take care of him, he could turn the darkness into light, giving us strength and making us stronger.” The lyrics of the song are based on this idea. It said: “Under the moon, you transformed with the shining little tool that you made. Then you hold tightly onto your doll to search. For fighting the big monster, how you got hurt. The road ahead is full of ups and downs and you need courage. A shadow sneaked into the village, laying on the middle of the water. It is crying, it shell is like his master. The flower that he holds onto is dead, it is raining and no one else around. All the doors are closed, stars are cold, water is deep. There is a light ring in your heart and it will brighten up the road in the woods. Faced a monster, keep going. The happy land will come true. How did the colour turn dark? In the memory, you were lost and you lose your strength. The light ring in your heart gives you strength, smiling when you look back at the scare. You become an adult, so your heart is not the same. In the old box the super hero and the imagination all disappeared. When you grew up your sky is full of dark cloud. Your heart wish to be able to speak out, to regain the colour. Holding onto the sword and fly to the new life. If you have a light ring in your heart, you could believe that there are unlimited possibility. If you give up walking forward, how will the beautiful turn truth. Why was the colour turn dark? Memories got drag down by the pain and the loss of strength. The kid in my heart gives me strength, clear up the dust collected through the years. Wish to hug and walk together. Put on the armour. The little hero is waiting for you to love him, hold his hand and grew new flowers.” Hope you will like the song.

10th Dec 2014 (畫意 – Ivana Wong)

小俠 – Ivana Wong

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