Sunday, November 2, 2014

2nd Nov 2014 (舊朋友 – Ram Chiang (蔣志光), Rita Carpio (韋綺姍), Chilam Cheung (張智霖), Maple Hui (許秋怡), Sarah Wong (黃寶欣) and 甘子輝)

The song that I wanted to talk about today is “舊朋友” by Ram Chiang (蔣志光) and his friends, including Rita Carpio (韋綺姍), Chilam Cheung (張智霖), Maple Hui (許秋怡), Sarah Wong (黃寶欣) and 甘子輝. This song was bought up recently in a TVB drama “老表,你好Hea” (“Come on, Cousin”). In the drama, Ram sung one of Jacky Cheung’s classic “愛是永恆”, and so many people, especially the younger generations, are so surprise that Ram could sing so well. Many didn’t seems to remember that he actually produced a number of very popular songs back in the 80’s and early 90’s. He was also considered as the hidden member of the popular music group Raidas from the 80’s. His name probably didn’t show up in any of the Raidas’ albums, because of his contract with Polygram. While to a certain degree, I think that he gave up on his musical career, but anyhow, it was sad to see that such a talented singer have been forgotten through time. I am glade that this drama opens him to a much wider audience now, and I hope he will use this chance to work on his music again. Alright, back to the song, the direct English translation of the title is “Old friend”.

The lyrics of the song are about friendship. While different singer sing a different line, but I am not going to distinguish them as I think the meaning flows better without it. If said, time looks like it was drunk, feels a bit tired. Thinking about the past, how much happiness and sadness have I been through? Time took over again, and it feel that it is hard to back off. Today, I don’t know how many people are still willing to hold my hand. The land is long and it is own by the sky (this is more of a Chinese phase, meaning that it has been a long time), wish that there are good friend to warm my heart. Hold hands and share our burden, regardless whether we are happy of sad. Old friends, our heart are tight together, and I wish that you could treasure it. It is impossible to explain it all, so all I wanted to say is what more could I ask for. How, how could I keep this moment? Wanting a bit and a bit more. It’s friendship, now I got it. All I wanted to say is what more could I ask for. Hope you will like the song.

舊朋友 – Ram Chiang (蔣志光), Rita Carpio (韋綺姍), Chilam Cheung (張智霖), Maple Hui (許秋怡), Sarah Wong (黃寶欣) and 甘子輝

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