Friday, April 24, 2015

24th Apr 2015 (人在旅途灑淚時 – Michael Kwan (關正傑) and Annabelle Louie (雷安娜))

The song for today is “人在旅途灑淚時” by Michael Kwan (關正傑) and Annabelle Louie (雷安娜). This song is a reader request. Both singers were popular back in the 80’s. This song was one of the theme songs of a very popular TV drama “人在江湖” (“Blowing in the Wind”). The direct English translation of the title is “Cry during the journey”.

The lyrics of the song are about love. AS this song is a duet, I will represent Michael’s line by “M:”, Annabelle’s line by “A:”, when they sing together, “T:”. A: Understand that the road is very dangerous, making you feel uncertain. M: Looking in the distance, slowly, who could make an easy decision? A: The road in front got a slim chance, please think twice. Wonder whether you ever regret. M: Need to fall back, but worry that it is too late, cried during the journey. A: tears already dropped. M: Carrying for others just for you. A: tears are dried up. M: yearn about the past. A: the promise in the heart, is hard to remove. T: Hopping that one day we will meet again. A: Human at this moment, how could we open our mouth? How do we use words to described our love? M: Looking at the sun set, it is bright red, who would have thought that is it the time to cry to say goodbye. A: Wish that one day we will meet again. M: Wish that one day we will meet again. T: Wish that one day we will meet again. Hope you will like the song.

人在旅途灑淚時 – Michael Kwan (關正傑) and Annabelle Louie (雷安娜)

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