Friday, August 31, 2012

31st Aug 2012 (誰能明白我 – George Lam)

The song that I chose for today is “誰能明白我” by George Lam. I actually quite like George’s songs. What’s unique about his songs are that they never feel old, even listening to them these days, I still feel that the song would become a big hit if it come out now. The English translation of the title is “Who will understand me”.

The lyrics of the song are about chasing after our dream. It say that every day we are trying to get closer to our dream. Sometime, we might get bored and tired, we just need to take a short rest and we can continue on. Our road could be lonely, other might look at us and think that we are weird. We shouldn’t worried too much as we are all different, all we need to do is to search for the people that would understand us. Hope you will like this song.

誰能明白我 – George Lam

Thursday, August 30, 2012

30th Aug 2012 (讓一切隨風 – Kenny Bee)

The song that I chose for today is “讓一切隨風” by Kenny Bee. Kenny Bee is one of the members of the famous band Wynners, he was the main vocalist. This is one of my favourite songs from Kenny Bee. I generally listen to it when I feel unhappy about something that I got no power of changing (this is really the theme of the song, so I guess that’s why this song come to my head when I felt that way). The direct English translation of the title is “Let it goes with the wind”.

The lyrics are about our feeling when something unexpected happened. The song is actually about the feeling of a guy when his girlfriend left him. He felt very lonely and that he can no longer tell the difference between day and night. Every minute goes by as if he was in a dream, everything is unclear and lost. He seems to have lost control of his feeling and mood. Hope you will enjoy this song.
讓一切隨風 – Kenny Bee

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

29th Aug 2012 (Someone like you – Adele)

The song that I chose for today is “Someone like you” by Adele. This song came out last year, but I only hear it for the first time a few days ago when I was in the gym. Since then I searched for this song on YouTube and have been playing it for a number of time over the last few days.

The lyrics are about the protagonist found out that her ex-boyfriend had moved to a new place and got married. She feel rather sad because she still have feeling towards this guy. She is hoping that he will not forget about her. It seems that she is trying to move on by saying that she will found a guy like him, but yet looking for a guy like him is not really moving on. Hope you will like this song.

Someone like you – Adele

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

28th Aug 2012 (喜歡喜歡你 – Denis Ho)

The song that I chose for today is “喜歡喜歡你” by Denise Ho (Hocc). I chose this song today because someone else posted it up on facebook. This probably isn’t the first time I heard this song, but surely it is the first time this song make an impression to me. This song is one of the old Denise’s song, her style is quite different, so I guess it is quite hard to have a new song from Denise that is in this style. The song sound very fresh. The direct translation of the title is “loving loving you”.

The lyrics of the song are about the theme Loving loving you. It is about the protagonist love the feeling of loving someone. She don’t mind about whether she would be able to married with this person, nor worried about their future, she just love the way that she is when she is in love. It is a very fresh song, and very relaxing as well. Hope you will enjoy it.

喜歡喜歡你 – Denis Ho

A live version from her 2010 concert:

Monday, August 27, 2012

27th Aug 2012 (花火 – Gigi Leung)

The song for today is “花火” by Gigi Leung. This song was one of my favourite. I used to like Gigi’s songs a lot, but these days, she don’t seems to produce that many Cantonese songs, and her song style have changes as well. The direct translation of the title is “fireworks”

The lyrics of this song are about life. It basically talks about how we have experienced lot of difficulties in our life. We might be stupid to think back to the past. Even so, we believe that the decision that we made back then was correct. These difficulties that we experienced had made us strong. We should always keep a smile on our face no matter how bad it is to remind us of the goods.  And to be happy, we should forget about the outcome, but enjoy the process. Hope you will like this song.
花火 – Gigi Leung

Sunday, August 26, 2012

26th Aug 2012 (白金升降機 – Elisa Chan)

The song that I chose for today is “白金升降機” by Elisa Chan. Elisa had been singing for a long time. This song, from memory, came out in the 80’s. Not sure why I like this song, but it some me some excitement everything I listen to it. The direct English translation of the title is “Platinum elevator”.

The lyrics of this song are about rising to the top of the field. I guess it is describing about a movie star that got so much talent that she is shining the world. Her talent is bringing her to the top of the world very quickly. Hope you will enjoy this song.

白金升降機 – Elisa Chan

Saturday, August 25, 2012

25th Aug 2012 (窮得只有愛 – at17)

The song that I chose for today is “窮得只有愛” by at17. at17 is a singing group in Hong Kong, consist of two people, Ellen Lo and Eman Lam. They are usually classify as an indie music group. This is one of the songs that I like that is sung by the group. The direct English translation of the title is “So poor that we only got love”.

The lyrics of the song is about love. I guess the lyrics somewhat describe the group themselves. In the lyrics, it mentioned that they are so poor that they almost can’t afford their daily living cost (a bit exaggerated I guess). But they don’t mind so much, because they feel happy when they got the chance to sing. Other people may have so much money and everything that they would ever needed in their life, but they don’t have love. Hope you will enjoy this song today.
窮得只有愛 – at17

Friday, August 24, 2012

24th Aug 2012 (勁舞 Dancing Queen – Connie (Kitman) Muk)

The song that I chose for today is “勁舞 Dancing Queen” Kitman Muk. This is a very old song, I think it was from the 80’s. I don’t really love this song, but I found it quite funny, it is a very typical Hong Kong 80’s song. The direct English translation of the title is “Powerful dance Dancing Queen”.

I guess from the name it somewhat suggest that you should take this song seriously. The lyrics of this song basically tell the protagonist to dance. It just say that why at night we sit at home and watch TV, we should go to a disco and dance. This is so 80’s. Anyways, I hope you will like this song.

勁舞 Dancing Queen – Connie (Kitman) Muk

Thursday, August 23, 2012

23rd Aug 2012 (自欺欺人 – Bondy Chiu)

The song that I chose for today is “自欺欺人” by Bondy Chiu. I feel sorry for Bondy in some way because she is such a good singer, yet she never became very popular. This song is one of the song that I like from Bondy. These days, Bondy still sing, although she is not popular to the general public, she have found her new market, which is to produce high sound quality CD for audiophile. The direct English translation is “Self-deception”.

The lyrics of the song are about love. It is about the protagonist fall in love with a guy. Knowing that he is a player, she can’t pull herself away from him. So she wishes that she could become his only one. In the song, she wishes that one day if he finally looking for his true love, he would regret not give her the love that she deserved. Hope you will enjoy the song.

Related posts:
21st Sep 2015 (尋人 – Bondy Chiu)
31st Dec 2014 (再見了 – Bondy Chiu)
6th Mar 2014 (我恨我是女人 – Bondy Chiu)
10th Mar 2013 (輸給戀愛的女人 – Bondy Chiu)
16th Jan 2013 (最佳位置 – Bondy Chiu/Kelly Chan)
8th Jan 2013 (每隔兩秒 – Bondy Chiu)
23rd Sep 2012 (尋開心 – Bondy Chiu)

自欺欺人 – Bondy Chiu

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

22nd Aug 2012 (如何掉眼淚 – Sammi Cheng)

The song that I chose for today is “如何掉眼淚” by Sammi Cheng. This song came out in year 2000. From memory, it was one of the CD from Sammi that I bought when it first came out (before that I think I tents to get her old album as they were cheaper). This was the song that was chosen to be play on radio to promote the album. The direct English translation of the title is “How to drop tears” (make more sense as “how to cry”).

The lyrics are about love. It is about the protagonist was having a relationship with this guy. But they didn’t want people to know so in front of others they just pretend to be close friends. Now they have broken up, she realise that she can’t be seen as unhappy because no one know that they were together. Besides, she believes that she is not qualified to be sad because she is no longer related to this guy. Hope you will like this song.

Related posts:
28th Jan 2017 (有一種快樂 – Sammi Cheng)
18th Sep 2016 (八公里 – Sammi Cheng)
1st Aug 2016 (如果我們不再見 – Sammi Cheng)
18th Dec 2015 (親密關係 – Sammi Cheng)
3rd Jul 2015 (給最傷心的人 – Sammi Cheng)
20th May 2015 (蕭邦寫過的歌 – Sammi Cheng)
11th May 2015 (親我等於愛我嗎 – Sammi Cheng/秋止符 – アリス)
15th Apr 2015 (默契 – Sammi Cheng)
10th Feb 2015 (苦戀 – Sammi Cheng/留什麼給你 – Sun Nan (孫楠))
18th Dec 2014 (思念 – Sammi Cheng)
24th Oct 2014 (談情說愛 – Sammi Cheng and Sally Yip)
22nd Sep 2014 (為何又是這樣錯 – Sammi Cheng)
31st Aug 2014 (哭泣遊戲 – Sammi Cheng)
18th July 2014 (其實心裡有沒有我 – Sammi Cheng and Andy Hui)
5th May 2014 (盲愛 – Sammi Cheng)
15th Jan 2014 (落錯車 – Sammi Cheng)
18th Nov 2013 (薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉 – Sammi Cheng/With – Nakajima Miyuki 中島美雪)
17th Nov 2013 (熱愛島 – Sammi Cheng)
15th Oct 2013 (理想對象 – Sammi Cheng)
10th Aug 2013 (時間之光 – Sammi Cheng)
14th Jul 2013 (娃娃看天下 – Sammi Cheng)
8th Jul 2013 (叮噹 – Sammi Cheng/DING DONG (僕だけのアイドル) – Southern All Stars)
19th Jun 2013 (Chotto 等等 – Sammi Cheng/チョット – Maki Ohguro (大黒摩季))
10th Jun 2013 (瘦身男女 – Sammi Cheng)
1st May 2013 (表演時間 – Sammi Cheng)
2nd Mar 2013 (星秀傳說 – Sammi Cheng)
19th Jan 2013 (一夜成名 – Sammi Cheng)
30th Oct 2012 (捨不得你 – Sammi Cheng)
21st Sep 2012 (睡火山 – Andy Hui)

如何掉眼淚 – Sammi Cheng

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

21st Aug 2012 (Stars – Grace Potter & The Nocturnals)

The song that I chose for today is “Stars” by Grace Potter & The Nocturnals. I came across this song on YouTube a few hours after I posted for yesterday. This was the first time I have ever listened to Grace Potter & The Nocturnals’ song and I am loving it. I can’t stop myself from playing this song over and over again. Listening to this song make me feel a bit I have released some of my anger and sorrow. It really had been long since I had this feeling for a song, I think the last time was around 3 years ago, it was Lady Gaga's Paparazzi. I am really loving this song, and it have to be one of my favourites in 2012.

The lyrics of this song are very simple. It is about misses someone. The song start of saying the protagonist lit a fire to burn the body of her love one. Following the ashes, she remembers the times that they spent with each other. She remembered how they used to look up the sky and dreamed about their future. She can’t look at the stars now, because looking at the stars reminded her that her love one had passed away, he is now so far away that she can’t reach him, just like the stars. I hope you will enjoy this song as much as I do.

Stars – Grace Potter & The Nocturnals

Monday, August 20, 2012

20th Aug 2012 (17歲 – Andy Lau)

The song that I chose today is “17” by Andy Lau. Like I have mentioned in my earlier post, Andy Lau is one of the “Kings of Canton Pop” in Hong Kong (though not many people refer to them through this name). Personally, I don’t like Andy too much, but this is one of the songs from Andy that I like. The direct translation of the title is “17 years old”.

The lyrics are basically an autobiography of Andy. This song started from Andy being 17 years, and told us that he went to the actor training in TVB. Then when he became 29, he already got lots of fans and they were all very excited when he sings. At the end of the song, it said he is now 40 (this song came out in 2003 I think, so he should be around 50 by now), some of his famous songs are no longer a classic, but they will remain in our heart and never change.

This song is truly a song for his fans. Although I am not his fans, but I do like the way that this song talks about his feeling being a star and the different chances that he had that make the Andy today. Hope you will like this song as well.
17 – Andy Lau

Sunday, August 19, 2012

19th Aug 2012 (我不會唱歌 – Hacken Lee)

The song that I chose for today is “我不會唱歌” by Hacken Lee. This song was quite a hit when it came out. It got quite a lot of publicity because Lang Lang (a world famous Chinese piano player, he had won many awards) played the piano part in the song. The direct English translation of the title is “I don’t know how to sing”.

The lyrics of the song are about love. The protagonist love a girl and he do everything for her (in the lyrics it uses singing to symbolise his love). But this girl is not interested in him, she actually love another guy. This third guy is very charming, but he doesn’t love the girl at all. So the protagonist is saying that even though this third guy is charming, but he would do anything for her, whether as him, he will even sacrifice himself for her and she would even look at him once. Though, knowing this, the protagonist still giving everything to this girl. He hopes that even if she doesn’t love him, she could hate him for being so annoying (as a way for him to keep some of her attention). Hope you will enjoy this song.

Related posts:
2nd Aug 2017 (失魂記 – Hacken Lee)
3rd Feb 2017 (秋止符 – Hacken Lee)
3rd Dec 2016 (合久必婚 – Hacken Lee)
20th Nov 2016 (想妳的舊名字 – Hacken Lee/メロディー – Koji Tamaki 玉置浩二)
2nd Oct 2016 (一個都不能少 – Hacken Lee)
19th Jun 2016 (罪人 – Hacken Lee)
1st May 2016 (愛不釋手 – Hacken Lee)
7th Mar 2016 (世界真細小 – Hackend Lee and Joey Yung)
20th Nov 2015 (請你不要難過 – Hacken Lee)
24th Oct 2015 (阿李爸爸 – Hacken Lee)
21st Oct 2015 (紙牌屋 – Hacken Lee)
16th Jul 2015 (三千零一夜 – Hacken Lee)
15th Mar 2015 (公主太子 – Hacken Lee)
11th Feb 2015 (後悔 – Hacken Lee/留什麽給你 – Sun Nan (孫楠))
22nd Nov 2014 (無朋友 – Hacken Lee)
13th Nov 2014 (一生掛念你 – Hacken Lee)
7th Oct 2014 (月半小夜曲 – Hacken Lee/ハーフムーン・セレナーデ – Naoko Kawai (河合奈保子))
26th Apr 2014 (花落誰家 – Hacken Lee)
8th Mar 2014 (情非首爾 – Hacken Lee)
26th Jan 2014 (聽傷口說話 – Hacken Lee)
17th Jan 2013 (紅日 – Hacken Lee/それが大事 –大事MANブラザーズバンド (大事MAN BROTHERS BAND))
7th Dec 2013 (深深深 – Hacken Lee)
28th Oct 2013 (一生不愛別人 – Hacken Lee)
24th Aug 2013 (鑽石人生 – Hacken Lee)
25th Jul 2013 (時差 – Hacken Lee)
29th Jun 2013 (大會堂演奏廳 – Hacken Lee)
17th May 2013 (希望 – Hacken Lee)
8th May 2013 (留多一分鐘 – Hacken Lee)
7th Apr 2013 (舊生會 – Hacken Lee)
30th Mar 2013 (寂寞夜晚 – Hacken Lee/Le Mal De Toi – François Feldman)

我不會唱歌 – Hacken Lee

Saturday, August 18, 2012

18th Aug 2012 (身體健康 – Dicky Cheung)

The song that I chose for today is “身體健康” by Dicky Cheung. From memory this song came out in 2003 in Hong Kong, when SARS was breaking out. This song did quite popular because of SARS because the title means “healthy”. The singer of the song, Dicky, is more famous for his TV drama. He started his career in a singing contest, however his songs weren't popular enough. So he end up acting in dramas and movie and got quite successful. These days he still sing, but usually in the form of the group “Big 4”, formed by Dicky Cheung, Edmond Leung,  Andy Hui and William So. The other 3 member is still very active in their singing career.

Like I have mentioned earlier about the title, this song is about keeping healthy. In this song, the protagonist found out that he is very sick (got cancer or something similar), he wishes that he could be healthy so that his wife don’t have to take care and look after him (so that he wouldn’t become the burden of his wife). This song brings us a message that we could have everything in the world, but if we aren’t healthy enough, we wouldn’t even have the chance to enjoy it. The lyrics are very toughing. I hope you will enjoy this song.
身體健康 – Dicky Cheung

Friday, August 17, 2012

17th Aug 2012 (如果…陽光 – Fiona Fung)

The song that I chose for today is “如果…陽光” by Fiona Fung. Fiona is a song writer, so she doesn’t sing that many songs. This is one of my favourites from her. This song is not written by Fiona. In fact this song is a very classical TV ad. Fiona’s version is just the newer version for the TV ad. The direct English translation of the title is “If…Sun shine”

The lyrics are about love. It is about the protagonist felt very happy when the boys that she love looks at her (so really it is about puppy love). I hope you will like this song, and if you grow up in Hong Kong, I hope this song will bring you back some memory from childhood.
如果…陽光 – Fiona Fung

Thursday, August 16, 2012

16th Aug 2012 (1984 - Swing)

The song that I chose for today is “1984” by Swing. Swing is made up by two members, Eric Kwok and Jerald Chan. The initial name was called Snowman. These days they don’t sing that many songs and mostly work as composer. “1984” is one of my favourite from Swing.

The lyrics of this song are about the protagonist thinking about the past. The lyrics go like this, the protagonist said that he love this old radio, because listening to it make him feel like he travel back to the past. He remember in 1984, there was this girl who kisses him and said she wanted to be with him. But he didn’t care too much back then, now he regret. And now this girl don’t even remember this incident. Hope you will enjoy this song.

Related posts:
24th Jul 2015 (一命,二運,三風水 – Swing)
15th May 2014 (生日快樂 – Grace Ip/生日快樂 – Eric Kwok)
29th Apr 2014 (帝國大廈 – Swing)
4th Sep 2013 (應承 – Eric Kwok)

1984 - Swing

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

15th Aug 2012 (配角 – Joyce Cheng)

Today’s song is “配角” by Joyce Cheng. Joyce is the daughter of Adam Cheng and Lydia Shum, both are famous star, especially in the 80’s and 90’s. Because both of her parents are stars, she show up on TV very often when she was young. Many people laugh at her because she was very fat, so many people don’t have a good impression on her. In 00’s she decided to lose weight and she was quite successful at that. Not long after her mother passed away, she started her music career. Many people still laugh at her because her fatty image had been imprinted in people head. Because of that image, her music has been ignored by many, as people didn’t even border listening to it. To be honest, I felt sorry for her, she actually sings quite well and her song is quite good as well (at least better than many second/third tire singers). So that is partly the reason why I selected her song today, I hope you will at least listen to it once before you decide whether this song is good or bad. The direct English translation of the title is “Supporting actor”.

The lyrics of this song are about love. It basically talks about how the protagonist love this guy but she never can be his girlfriend because there is always someone else there that play a better ‘role’ than her and picked up the main role to become the girlfriend. So all she wish for is that she will keep playing this role and hope that one day they can be together. I hope you will enjoy this song.
配角 – Joyce Cheng

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

14th Aug 2012 (千載不變 – The Wynners)

The song that I chose for today is “千載不變” by The Wynners. Wynners is a very old band, some of the members are famous individual singer in Hong Kong, for example Alan Tam. This song is very old, but it is also one of the most popular songs from The Wynners. The direct English translation of the title is “Never change”.

The lyrics of this song is about friendship. It talks about how the world would change, people would change, but the friendship between people will never change. Even if we haven’t get in touch with each other for a long time, when we get together again, we would get the warm feeling from each other like the old days. This song was very popular in the 90’s for charity show. I hope you will enjoy this song.

千載不變 – The Wynners

Monday, August 13, 2012

13th Aug 2012 (非禮 – Eason Chan)

Today’s song is “非禮” by Eason Chan. This song is very new, it is in his newest album which was just released last week (in the same album as "重口味"). I usually enjoy slow song a bit more, but this  song is one of those that that make me keep looping it. The direct English translation is “impolite”.

The lyrics of this song is exactly of what the title is. This song somewhat reflect the current situation of Hong Kong. A lot of people got negative energy as they are not happy with their current situation, so it make sense that why people argue so much and hence seen as impolite. But I must say this is not unique to Hong Kong, I guess it is a side effect of being highly populated. It is easy for people to get angry if we don’t get what we wanted, and if there is no ways to release this anger, then we all become impolite. Being in a city that is highly populated means that many people are going to share a very limited resources, so lot of people will not get what they wanted. So I hope that by listening to this song, we can release some of that anger.

Related posts:
22nd Oct 2016 (四季 – Eason Chan)
27th Sep 2016 (黑洞 – Eason Chan)
10th Sep 2016 (歌頌 – Eason Chan)
2nd Sep 2016 (少見不怪 – Eason Chan)
15th Jul 2016 (幸災樂禍 – Eason Chan)
11th Jul 2016 (不來也不去 – Eason Chan)
1st Jul 2016 (與我常在 – Eason Chan)
19th Mar 2016 (猜情尋 – Eason Chan)
24th Feb 2016 (那一夜有沒有說 / 那一夜有沒有雪? - Eason Chan)
22nd Nov 2015 (Katrina – Eason Chan/David Tao)
23rd Sep 2015 (人生馬拉松 – Eason Chan)
17th Jun 2015 (無條件 – Eason Chan)
19th Feb 2015 (始終我係我 – Eason Chan)
11th Jan 2015 (全世界失眠 – Eason Chan)
5th Jan 2014 (我甚麼都沒有 – Eason Chan)
25th Dec 2014 (My Private Christmas Song – Eason Chan)
11th Dec 2014 (我的快樂時代 – Eason Chan)
3rd Nov 2014 (Lonely Christmas – Eason Chan)
18th Sep 2014 (明年今日 – Eason Chan)
1st Sep 2014 (富士山下 – Eason Chan)
26th Aug 2014 (綿綿 – Eason Chan)
7th Aug 2014 (失戀太少 – Eason Chan)
8th July 2014 (無人之境 – Eason Chan)
4th July 2014 (抱擁這分鐘 – Eason Chan)
2nd July 2014 (一絲不掛 – Eason Chan)
31st May 2014 (垃圾 – Eason Chan/Candy Lo)
12th Apr 2014 (天下無雙 – Eason Chan)
21st Feb 2014 (大開眼戒 (A.K.A. 打回原形) – Eason Chan)
4th Feb 2014 (每一個明天 – Eason Chan)
31st Dec 2013 (新生活 – Eason Chan)
19th Nov 2013 (今日 – Eason Chan)
6th Aug 2013 (大激想 – Eason Chan, Edmond Leung and Miriam Yeung)
1st Aug 2013 (任我行 – Eason Chan)
30th Jun 2013 (黑擇明 – Eason Chan)
27th May 2013 (月球上的人 – Eason Chan)
16th Apr 2013 (開不了心 – Eason Chan)
17th Mar 2013 (幸福摩天輪 – Eason Chan)
24th Jan 2013 (阿牛 – Eason Chan)
27th Dec 2012 (天使的禮物 – Eason Chan)
23rd Dec 2012 (因為愛情 – Eason Chan & Faye Wong)
8th Nov 2012 (愈想愈無謂 – Eason Chan/ Mr. Lonely - Koji Tamaki 玉置浩二)
9th Oct 2012 (1874 – Eason Chan)
7th Oct 2012 (完 – Eason Chan/夢想天空分外藍 – Eason Chan)

非禮 – Eason Chan

Sunday, August 12, 2012

12th Aug 2012 (苦中作樂 – Andy Hui)

The song that I chose for today is “苦中作樂” by Andy Hui. The meaning of the title is “Being happy during sadness”.

The lyrics of the song are exactly about trying to be happy when we are sad. In the song, the protagonist got dumped by his girlfriend. A few days before he got dumped, his girlfriend told him that he is the closest person that she had in her life. Back then he was very happy about that. Now that he got dumped, he still remembers the feeling of happiness from the time that he spent with his ex-girlfriend. So he tried to think about these moments when he feels sad. He will remember this sadness and remember that there could be happiness in sadness. He realised that feeling this sadness means that he wasn’t dreaming that they spent time together.

From the lyrics, this song is about self-healing. I guess one important from this is that we should stay positive. In our life, there are many things that can make us feel sad, but if we had felt happy once during these events, then at least we wouldn’t feel that we are in a tragic. We might not be about to change the things happen around us, but at the very least, we have the power to change our mind set, to change the way we view this world and make ourselves feel happier during hard time. Hope you will enjoy this song.

苦中作樂 – Andy Hui

Saturday, August 11, 2012

11th Aug 2012 (究竟天有幾高 – George Lam)

The song that I chose for today is “究竟天有幾高” by George Lam. This is an old Chinese song. The direct translation of the title is “How high is the sky”.

The lyrics of this song is about the protagonist always look up to the sky and wonder when he will be able to reach the sky (that is he wonder whether he would be able to achieve high.). Others asked him why he is always by himself staring at the star, he explain to himself that no one would understand him, only the clouds and stars would. I think the message of this song is that the road to success is lonely, other may stare at us and think that we will not success, but if we keep going we might one day get to where we want to be. Hope you will enjoy this song.

究竟天有幾高 – George Lam