Friday, April 11, 2014

11th Apr 2014 (陪你哭的不是我 – Vincy Chan)

The song I pick for today is “陪你哭的不是我” by Vincy Chan. From memory, this was one a song from Vincy’s first album, which was made around 8 years ago. The direct English translation of the title is “I am not accompanying you when you cry”.

The lyrics of the song are about breakup. The protagonist said to her boyfriend that please pity her and let her breakup. But he likes to think about their happy time and feel bad not being able to share her sadness. He can’t let go of his best friend (the protagonist). He cries while he speaks; holding her hand tight and not willing to leave. She is not the one that accompanying him when he cries as he hasn’t makes her feel bitter enough. They were just like normal couple, always stay sweet. At the end, they are very peaceful, they should have celebrated. They know that they have been happy, but every time when they breakup, it hurt, but it will recover with time. He wish that she will cry, but it is difficult. She wanted him to understand that growing up will change things, and that might be a disaster. For his good, evening being someone that is getting hurt, she need to pretend that she isn’t hurt much. Not willing to let go is just because he is not used to it. Letting her go is something that he much do when he grow up, it have nothing to do with his gut. She is not the one that accompanying him when he cries as he hasn’t makes her feel bitter enough. They were just like normal couple, always stay sweet. At the end, they are very peaceful, they should have celebrated. Perhaps she hasn’t grown up enough, perhaps this is a result of loving more than one person. She is not the one that accompanying him when he cry, maybe because they have been through a lot of happy time, or perhaps that she had expected this bitterness from the beginning. She now understands these natural changes. So why not just let these tears washed away, but why do they still not letting you see clearly. She feels that she should make him feel too bad when she say goodbye to him. Hope you will like the song.

陪你哭的不是我 – Vincy Chan


  1. Great blog, love it! Do you think you can translate this song 陳奕迅 - 天下無雙 (高清音)?

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog, glad you like it. Here is my attempt of translating the song you requested:
