Sunday, March 15, 2015

15th Mar 2015 (公主太子 – Hacken Lee)

The song for today is “公主太子” by Hacken Lee. I used to loop this song quite a lot as I like the melody. This song was in Hacken’s second auditorium album, all the songs in the album were recorded with live music, and majority of the musicians are from orchestras. The direct English translation of the title is “Princess and prince”.

The lyrics of the song are about the protagonist thinking of his past relationship with his ex-girlfriend. He said, the memory on the overnight bus suddenly come up in his mind. Back then, she was like a princess loving her prince. They created fairy tale protagonist name using the street names that they passes by, and they got a full page of it. They have spent a lot of time in the heaven of sport shoes (probably referring to Mong Kok in Hong Kong, as it is famous in Hong Kong for selling sport shoes), the beautiful things that they meet in the pedestrian only area. In the cold night, they watches a million gold fishes dance. They hugged many time on the way, and gazed at the happy rainbow. He felt that this is a great dream even in the cruel world. Travelled together holding hands, very memorable. He wishes that he could give this shining diamond mountain (probably playing with the place “Diamond Hill” in Hong Kong, which, by the way, has nothing to do with diamond) to his beautiful haven queen (“天后” which is a Chinese god, can be view as the queen of heaven. It is also a place in Hong Kong. I think the lyrics here are playing with words, using these hints to tell us that their bus journey had go through a number of places). Please don’t leave even when the bus stopped. Stay in this unique universe in the bus. One day, the princess felt that her life is pointless, promises are nothing compare to a diamond ring. The last time, she said, if you are looking at higher place, you need to be selfish. The civilian heaven felt like hell time. An empty soccer field, the seating area felt like a haunted cave. He waited quietly for her and he felt that he doesn’t have the right to even cry. They hugged many time on the way, and gazed at the happy rainbow. He felt that this is a great dream even in the cruel world. Why when the tightly hold hands got released, the pain forever imprinted in his heart. He wishes that he could give this shining diamond mountain to his beautiful haven queen. When the car stopped, you have to leave. So really, the universe in the bus doesn’t exist. Hope you will like the song.

公主太子 – Hacken Lee

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