Monday, March 23, 2015

23rd Mar 2015 (月全蝕 – Takki Wong)

The song for today is “月全蝕” by Takki Wong. This song was from 2008. Takki is not popular, so I guess most people haven’t heard of this song. Personally I quite like her voice and her songs. The direct English translation of the title is “Lunar Eclipse”.

The lyrics of the song uses lunar eclipse as a metaphor for the relationship between the protagonist and her boyfriend. It said, a cloud of dark shadow escaped the broken layer, seeing the full moon got a crack. All of a sudden, the star become dust, no sound, no sense, but not emotionless. When his dark shadow shocks her soul, he uses gravity to disturb her movement. Covering all stars light and turn them into tears. Everything follows his plan, getting darker and darker. The moon is dead, it is hard to escape the deadline as her heart is dead. At the moment of lunar eclipse, the magnetic field got lose, and he left as well. At the moment of lunar eclipse, from existence to give up, eating up this earth. Quietly waiting for the end, buried herself alive. Just like how attractive the surface of the moon is, the front is beautiful but the back is full of cracks. Her heart is full of marks left from impact, She get hurt more and more, more she think of it, the more it hurt. Now she is not scare of the darkness to come, as the ending of the story is not attractive. Just like how start and moon sink, sink to the end, when the star end. Gazing at this lunar eclipse, she remember that he was the one that took the killing action; cry to dead. The moon at the end couldn’t escape the deadline as her heart is dead. At the moment of lunar eclipse, the magnetic field got lose, and he left as well. At the moment of lunar eclipse, from existence to give up, eating up this earth. Quietly waiting for the end, buried herself alive. In the darkness, the bat turn into a human, seeing how love and hate torture people. When the darkness passes by light will arrive. Those that have been eaten up will come back alive someday. Hope you will like the song.

Related posts:

月全蝕 – Takki Wong


  1. Hey love your site. Do you think it is possible to translate an old classic by Andy Lau for me劉德華-愛不完. Thx

    1. Glad you like my blog :D I have wrote it for the post for today, you can get to it through the url below:
