Tuesday, October 16, 2012

16th Oct 2012 (明日有明天 – Priscilla Chan)

The song that I chose for today is “明日有明天” by Priscilla Chan, my all-time favourite singer. When I was a kid, Priscilla was very popular, back then I quite like her songs, but never got too attached. Though around 4 years ago, in 2008, one day I suddenly really wanted to listen to one of her famous song 夜機. So that night I dig in my music library and I found it. I think I looped it over 30 times that night. In the following few night I keep digging for her songs, and I just can’t stop myself from listening to her songs. Her songs are so unique, her voice was wonderful (these day her voice is a lot deeper, so when she sing her old songs it feel difference) and the melody were perfect. Ever since then I have been searching everywhere for the CD and albums, buying them from second hand shop, or from music store when the companies reproduce her albums. I think I only got 2 to 3 album missing until I got her entire collection. At one point I was really thinking to specially order the missing album directly from the music company, but it turn out to be very expensive, so I am still looking in second hand store in hope to found them.

Anyway, back to the song. The English translation of the title is “Tomorrow got tomorrow”. This song is not too old, it came out in 2003. If I am not wrong, this was one of the song in her latest album (not counting her concert CD from 2008). From memory, this song was her own story. The message of the song is that if we are sad, don’t worry, things will past, and it is because of these sadness that make us value our happiness. So throughout the lyrics, it mentioned that we shouldn’t be too sad when things goes wrong, because if we haven’t gone through sadness, our happiness wouldn’t last. And if we are always happy, we could one day forget what happy feel like as we got so used to it. If we are so unhappy or worry that we can’t sleep at night, don’t worry, just watch planes take off and land, at worse we will just sleep in the morning. The bad day will pass and tomorrow will be a new day. It ends the song by telling us that if we can cry then we have already released out unhappiness. Even in the case if people are just watching you from the side and not helping, we should be glad that we are not alone as there are still people watching us. And because we have experienced sadness, it make our smile last longer.

I seriously think that this song is tailor made for Priscilla, as Priscilla was always considered as a person that has gone through so much ups and downs in her life. I hope that you will like the song, and if you are unhappy, I hope this song would give you the positive energy that you will need.

明日有明天 – Priscilla Chan

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