Friday, October 19, 2012

19th Oct 2012 (無名指 – Priscilla Chan/Ne lui parlez plus d'elle - Lara Fabien)

The song for today is “無名指” by Priscilla Chan. Like I mentioned in my previous posts, Priscilla is one of my all-time favourite singer. This song came out in 2008, it was play on the radio when it came out, but from memory, it never got really popular. It also never put into an album, she only sung this song in her concert in 2008, so the only version available to the public is the live version. The English title of the song is “Ring finger”. This is the official Chinese cover version of “Ne lui parlez plus d'elle” by Lara Fabien.

The lyrics of the song are about love. Many said that this song is about the ups and downs that Priscilla gone through in her marriage/love, and in many ways it does matches with the event in Priscilla’s life. It started by taking us back to the protagonist life when she was 15. Her parents have a high expectation of her, so she study hard, but at the same time, she dreamed that she could have a boyfriend. (This matches with Priscilla’s life, from memory she went to tier one school.) Then the take us to the age of 25/26 of the protagonist. The protagonist is very busy, she said she have fallen in love two times, but it didn’t work out. She always wishes that she could meet the next one, but she always end up have a life lesson (i.e. it again didn’t work out for her). (Again this part of the lyrics matches with Priscilla’s life. She started her music career very early in her life, so at the age of around 25, she was already a big star in Hong Kong. It would be no doubt that she would be so busy. Also it was known that she had fallen in love a few times around that age.) She wonder who’s fault it was, or perhaps they just start of blindly. Why is it so hard to have a ring on her finger.  Because she have been deeply hurt, so she tried even harder to find her Mr. Right. Every time she hope that it will end up well, but every time she was disappointed and left with regret.  The song end with the protagonist say that its getting late now, she don’t want to think too much (perhaps, she is referring to that she is getting old, and love is not for her anymore). So she with these experience, she will just tell herself to pretend she had once found her true love.

It is a very sad song. Personally I really like the melody, and I truly believe that it got all the elements of a hit song. But perhaps Priscilla is no longer as popular as she was, so the song just never got popular in 2008. If you haven’t listen to this song before, I hope you will like it.

無名指 – Priscilla Chan

Just in case you are also interested, the original version of the song.

Ne lui parlez plus d'elle - Lara Fabien

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