Thursday, January 22, 2015

22nd Jan 2015 (斷絕來往 – Jason Chan)

The song for today is “斷絕來往” Jason Chan. This song was popular in 2007, it was one of the songs from Jason’s first album. With a simply melody, this song is quite easy to get tuck in your head. The direct English translation of the title is “Breaking off ties”.

The lyrics of the song are about the protagonist wanted the relationship with his girlfriend to keep going after they broke up, but his girlfriend doesn’t want to see him anymore. It said, the protagonist think that he perhaps no longer be a good match to her, but he still wanted to be a friend that could accompany her. It is hard for him to step back now, so even knowing that it may bring a negative result, he wanted to keep loving her.  Stop this attitude of being so clear cut. Every time he tried to date her, she got a lot of excuses. If she doesn’t want to be friend anymore and he became a burden, then there is no point of keep being friend, just let it end. He will disappear, and just let him become depress alone. He thanks for her being crude, and gave him this sickness. In the future, they will be departed and have their own life, and he will never know how fun she was during the weekend. Quickly disappeared, and just let him to breath. He will never be able to touch her emotionally. He will hide. Who was the person that made him so stubborn? There was a septum that he couldn’t break. Could she think about their past that they had kissed and forgive him? If he troubled her and she couldn’t take it anymore, she rather breaks off all their ties just like that? He tried to get through each day, day and night he is depress because of her. She crudely break up with him and everyone is saying how bad she is. But he rather to hate one more person then people pity him. Hope you will like the song.

斷絕來往 – Jason Chan

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