Friday, October 17, 2014

17th Oct 2014 (選擇 – George Lam and Sally Yip)

The song for today is “選擇” by George Lam and Sally Yip. This song was request by a reader. This song was popular when it was released, and it was one of the iconic songs sung by George and Sally together. The direct English translation of title is “Choice”.

The lyrics of the song are about long lasting love. As it is a duet, George’s part will be represent by “G:”, Sally’s by “S:” and when they sing together “T:”. G: When the wind rises, we watch falling flower together. S: When the snow fall, we cheers to the moon. G: These feelings. S: This road. T: We walk it together. S: Wish you could love me to the end of the world. G: Wish I could accompany you to the edge of the world. T: Even if everything restarts, I wouldn’t change my mind. I have chosen you, and you have chosen me. S: I will love you forever. G: I will accompany you to the end of the world. T: Even if we travel back in time, this will still be my choice. S: I have chosen you. G: You have chosen me. T: This is our choice. G: We travel past spring and autumn. S: We said goodbye to today and then tomorrow. G: Day after day. S: Months and years. T: Our heart will never change. Hope you will like the song.

選擇 – George Lam and Sally Yip

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