Tuesday, August 19, 2014

19th Aug 2014 (另一半 – Daniel Chan)

The song for today is “另一半” by Daniel Chan. From memory this song was popular back in 90’s. The direct English translation of the title is “Other half”.

The lyrics of the song are about love. The protagonist said that his girlfriend is the only person that made him realised that hugging for half a second could proof love exist. And she is not worry about test, the fireworks that lasted for half a day, he thinks of that at night. Forget about the world, there is only these board shoulder left, and they could still hug her by treating good bye as a test. Can be divided, but why can’t she wait, how much time is left? He could still get half the pillow, even if he has to wait for half of his life. Why can’t he hold onto her? The sky that existed for the other half, is enough to kiss for the rest of his life. Searched through the other side of the world; only think of her for half of his life is call missed. Who would want to see the prettiest face? Kissing her half cigarette, he could still understand lingering. These are enough for him to think of for the rest of his life. Hope you will like the song.

另一半 – Daniel Chan


  1. I know this would be the third comment, but omg i love this! I've been really needing something like this, how did i only find you now!

    My last song for tonight would be this one :) Please I can't wait to come back and check out this stuff!!


    thank you so much!

    1. Hi Caitlin, I have finally wrote about the song :)
