Friday, August 1, 2014

1st Aug 2014 (情深緣淺 – Christophe Wong)

The song for today is “情深緣淺” by Christophe Wong. This song was from the 90’s, from memories it was quite popular. The closest English translate that I can come up with is “Deep love, shallow fate” (the word “” doesn’t exactly mean fate, but that’s the closest English there is to it).

The lyrics of the song are about love. The protagonist said that he finally found out who was the person that attracted his girlfriend. But please don’t let that guy to tell me. He finally understands what pain is; it felt like he didn’t know anything and other just transported him. Even if they break up, he feels that it is still ok for her to tell him directly at some holiday event. So tactful, so cruel; hinting to him not to dream about the future of the relationship. In the past, they connected through their breath, but now, they rely on someone else to end their dream. Let’s hope this is just another way to relieve him. As she is scare to see him cry, so she let her new boyfriend to guide him out, let the new guy to do the job, to speak the truth. Perhaps it is better for other to speak to him. From the expression, and the self-confident of this new guy, it makes the protagonist feels sad but also jealous. Hope you will like the song.

情深緣淺 – Christophe Wong


  1. Hello Sunny,

    Love your site. Is it possible to translate this song by Eason Chan '失戀太少'

    Thanks! Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi, I have just written a post on Eason's "失戀太少", you can get to it through the url below:
