Thursday, August 7, 2014

7th Aug 2014 (失戀太少 – Eason Chan)

The song for today is “失戀太少” by Eason Chan. This is a request from a reader of the blog. Personally, I love the melody of the song and the way Eason sung it really draw you into the story. The direct English translation of the title is “Too few lovelorn”.

 The lyrics of the song are about love. It said: Beauty, saturated; no more spark to burn. Loved, and now grew up, committed sins only because there were too few breakups. He wanted every matches to burn for this moment, and pretend that Valentine day only last for a few seconds. He thanks her for still admitting that he was attractive in the past, as they were once each other lover. Why in the past, there were more hate then love, and tried to search for fault in the cracks (I think he is referring to why they had to drill on each other differences when these aren’t obviously, why can’t he just let it pass and accepted their differences). Broke up, but still cares, not going to forget the lesion from great pain. We are like nomad; searching for food on the way just so the sheep could be happy. It is impossible to wait in the snow for sacrificed. It dark, but there are light, and there are kisses from the person that you love. People with love encouraging people without love. For the sake of love from the past, being enthusiast to a scary level; he believe that she can’t be the one sacrificed for happiness. He used up all the matches, but still can’t bring the environment back to what it likes in the past, but he now at least feel thankful that she was there with him for all the happy and sweet moments. Hope you will like the song.

失戀太少 – Eason Chan


  1. Thank you for the translation. I was reading it to my boyfriend. Think you did a good job. Thanks for sharing. Much appreciated.
