Saturday, May 23, 2015

23rd May 2015 (短髮 – Gigi Leung)

The song for today is “短髮” by Gigi Leung. This song is a reader request. This song was released in 1997, if I remembered correctly, it was one of the first few Gigi’s Mandarin song that got popular. The direct English translation of the title is “Short hair”.

The lyrics of the song are about the protagonist saw that there is other girl’s hair on her boyfriend clothes but she play dumb, trying to ignore it to try to keep the relationship going. The protagonist said: “ Cried to a point that my voice start to break, but still tried so hard to play dumb. I deliberately pretended that I didn’t see that there is her hair on your jacket. I guess she listen to you and follow your instruction well, sitting at home quietly, waiting for your call. I have already cut my hair, to cut off my attachment to you. Cut it until the floor is full of hair that contains no love. Long and short, short and long, fighting an inch by an inch. I have already cut my hair short, cut my punishments, a floor full of my embarrassment. Fore and back, very clearly, a clear cut, your love words, your lies.” Hope you will like the song.

短髮 – Gigi Leung

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