Wednesday, June 10, 2015

10th June 2015 (舊約 – Denise Ho)

The song for today is “舊約” by Denise Ho. This  song was from 2009. The title of the song got two meaning, it could either means “Old testament” or “Old promise”, though through the lyrics, it seems that the second translation is more appropriate as it better match the lyrics.

The lyrics of the song are about the protagonist trying to keep her promise even if the worse things are happening. It said: “Nothing could stop her dating him, even if the sky and ground got destroyed. Suddenly the body is full of energy, feel full of strength at the most dangerous time. She had been so normal that there was nothing special about her. Why she managed to know how to fly today? All because of him. Taking a bullet, going through a wave from tsunami and two earthquakes, as they have set the day for the date, she will get through whatever on her way to get there. Blocking a tank, a rocket, even facing a hundred people army troop, she will still not be frightened. Who else could take so much for a date. Rush toward him .No matter who tried to stop her, she will still go. When in danger she thought of him, even with her normal human DNA, suddenly she will be full of power. Flatten the walls within a thousand miles and grab a few jet fighters. Rotated eight times in the air and landed. Taking a bullet, going through a wave from tsunami and two earthquakes, as they have set the day for the date, she will get through whatever on her way to get there. Blocking a tank, a rocket, even facing a hundred people army troop, she will still not be frightened. Who else could take so much for a date. Forget about my great act. A bunch of lasers, full sky of swards and two plagues, if she know that he would still keep his promise, why would she back off. Practice for an indestructible body and a pair of eyes that could see long long distance, she is full of passion that even if it get more dangerous, she still wouldn’t be scared. All these, just to proof that in this world a promise still exist. Like a indestructible person, rush across. Truthfully with him, to the date. Allow her to lift up the five tone robotic arm, for him, to create a green grass land.” Hope you like the song.

舊約 – Denise Ho

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